Our ‘Treasure Chest’ Box of Books

Our ‘Treasure Chest’ Box of Books

Are you looking for a gift for a family or readers, for a school or church book corner, with exciting stories to grip readers? Want to encourage and inspire these precious children in their faith? This box of books is for you. It really is a treasure chest, ready to take readers to far away places… all with biblical values. Don’t let yours miss out. Get your box here.

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July News

July News

I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but some bookshops have Year 0033 on special offer right now – cheaper than our own website! So if you wanted to get a few copies for your young people for summer reading, as ‘well done’ presents for exam results, for students going off to uni or just to put away for birthday gifts (I’m not going to say Christmas!)… now’s your chance…

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August News

Nobody's Dog

As we press on in these difficult times, are you looking for ways to reach out to your neighbours and friends? So many people are looking for the way, the truth and the life, but they don’t know where to find it. Books are a great way to share your faith with gentleness and respect – they allow the reader to make up their own mind, without you having to say anything more than, “I saw this and thought of you.” Particularly when you can’t invite them to a meeting!…

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July News

Nobody's Dog - Luke and Mr Bronzovi

Could you buy books to give to family, to loan to children, for chaplains, for Sunday Schools and groups, to give to neighbours and your children’s friends? Who knows how far your seeds might go, and what fruit might grow? Our church donated Dernier books to families who come to the Community Fridge. People with no previous contact…

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Christian Books for Children and Teens; Write for a Reason; Competitions and Prizes; Building Faith in Families.

April was a full month! We started a new Write for a Reason course, which is always exciting. This course is for anyone who wants to write novels for children/teens from a Christian perspective. The need for good reading material for our young people is huge, so it’s wonderful to be able to train more writers in the art of story writing…

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