The Dove Stone Christian book for kids

Hello and welcome to the Dernier Publishing newsletter. Thanks for being here – I appreciate it so much.

I don’t know about you, but a couple of years ago, when we had been in lockdown for a couple of months, I was wondering when/if we would all be able to go back to ‘normal’.

Janet Wilson at Christian Resources Together Event

Who would have thought, two years on, that we would still be struggling with coronavirus?

There is now a kind of permanent, grinding uncertainty about our future. Will the pandemic return with other strains? Will vaccinations be able to keep up?

At the beginning of the pandemic it hit home to me in a big way that we only have today. People younger than me were dying. I learned, with fresh insight, to pray as Jesus taught us, Give us today our daily bread. It’s a good prayer, and a good way to live. Especially now, with the new uncertainty of the Ukraine war and the thought of nuclear weapons at the back of everyone’s mind.

But we know that all things are in the Lord’s hands, and if he has given us life today, we need to consider how best to use it. Today is a gift!

Your priorities will be different from mine. Maybe yours are friends, family, church, missions? Plus of course work, neighbours – and paying the mounting bills!

For me, as well as all these things, I want to help you get as many books as possible, into your children’s hands. My mission is to provide you with the tools.

Could you or your church buy books for school leavers, for a neighbouring school? Or for children at summer camps and clubs? If you would like quantities, please contact me – I’m sure we can find a way to help you, whatever your budget. Who knows what the Lord might do through your gift?

Or maybe you just want a book to read to your kids in the half term holiday?

Here’s the honest truth – we don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but there are things we can do today. Better not put them off.

Choose your books today.

Wonderful News!

Here’s some wonderful news – you can now pre-order The Dove Stone! Yaaaaayyyy!!! This book has been a long time in coming, but now, at last, here it is. Thanks so much, if you have been praying!

The Dove Stone Book Cover

“Join Doran, Rhiannon and her faithful dog, Wolf, in this action-packed adventure about friendship, facing fears and finding faith, set in the wilds of northern England in post-Roman Britain.”

It really is a fab story – do get one to read and pass on. You’ll love it!

It’s equally suitable for boys and girls.

As an introductory offer you can buy 5 get 1 free (why not set up a book club?) or a massive 30% off if buying 30 for a school.

Release date is 11th June, and these offers will then go away, so order your copies now and you’ll be the first to get your books!

The author, Pam, has long been involved in teaching, and has made sure the book is perfect for schools to use in their curriculum. As always, there are discussion questions to go with the book.

Here’s what one young reader said:

“I think The Dove Stone is inspiring because it shows that even thousands of years ago, God was listening. I found it fascinating learning about how Christianity came to Britain and I would love there to be a sequel! I really liked the characters because I could imagine being friends with them (although maybe not Torsa!) and I couldn’t wait to find out what happened next in their adventure. I found it really sad when Pilot died but I am glad Doran got to stay in the village in the end.” – Ellen

A couple of teasers there for you! 🙂

Here’s where to order your books.

Writers for a Reason Unite

Do you aspire to write fiction for children/teens? Would you like some help? I run a membership group called Writers for a Reason Unite, which is open for new members until 19th May.

Follow this link for more details, or tell your writer friends! It’s great fun as well as helping you get your novel done.

Writers for a Reason Unite

Any questions, please do feel free to get in touch.

Christian Writers and Publishers Unite

It was a pleasure and privilege to travel to Hungary last month to Littworld, an International conference for Christian publishers and writers. I ran two different workshops – one on audiobooks and one on creating engaging characters for children’s books.

While there, I met publishers and writers from many different countries, including Ukraine. Children there learn to speak English at an early age, so I gave a pastor from Irpin a handful of our books (it was all I had with me).

Would you pray with me that those books will bring a little bit of light in the darkness? I’d love to do more. Would you pray with me for opportunities?

Thank you so much, once again, for being here – don’t forget, before you go, to get your copy of The Dove Stone!

Love to you all in Christ,


Janet Wilson

P.S. Don’t forget about the writing group, either. 🙂

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