Year 0033 Full Cover

The last year has been a tough one, hasn’t it? So much uncertainty, so many trials, so much suffering. At times it’s all seemed overwhelming.

Our children are certainly not exempt from the troubles of this pandemic, but neither are they exempt from the comfort that the presence of the Lord can bring. We are grateful for the opportunity to be able to help you bring good news to the children on your heart, through our books. What a privilege that is!

Whatever we go through, we have the assurance that our God is a faithful God. He will never leave us or forsake us. Even if we go through the valley of the shadow of death, we need not fear any evil, for his guidance comforts us. Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He is the light of life. He is the way, even where there seems to be no way. He is a very present help in times of trouble. God is good, all the time!

The Good Bits of Last Year!

It was exciting to be able to bring out our first illustrated book for 6-8s in the autumn. Thank you all so much for all your kind comments on this book! We’ve heard of so many families who have enjoyed sharing this delightful story together, or who have sent it to children they haven’t been able to see. Some children have got to grips with reading for the first time, and along the way have learned a bit more about prayer, trust and faith. Wonderful. 🙂

Then there’s Year 0033 – again, reviews have been excellent – most readers have given it 5*s. How vital it is that we bring hope to our young people!

Year 0033 Full Cover

Here are the links for Year 0033 and Nobody’s Dog, if you haven’t ordered your copies yet. Or if you’d like some more! (Of course you can buy both from Christian bookshops, or from wherever you usually buy your books.)

Starting 2021 Well

We believe all children should have access to Christian books in a way that suits them, in a language they understand… and we have great news for the new year! Nobody’s Dog is going to be available in Italian! More details next time. 🙂 I couldn’t resist sharing that news with you, though!

Plus we are working on more books… don’t worry, we’ll let you know when we have any release dates.

Kindle Books

Did you know that you can buy a kindle book for a young person anywhere in the world? All you need is their email address, and they can read the book on their phone! Most of our books are on kindle – do check out your favourite title. For a very small amount of money (most are just £1.99!) you could change a life.

Finally, we pray that all the books you bought last year will bring much blessing to all who read them.

I’ll be in touch again soon, but in the meantime, stay safe. God is with us.


P.S. Here are the links again to Nobody’s Dog and Year 0033. Don’t let your loved ones miss out.

P.P.S If you don’t already subscribe to this newsletter, please click here. You could win a copy of Year 0033!

A New Year
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One thought on “A New Year

  • 12th May 2021 at 7:41 pm

    I have recently read Year 0033 and found it a fascinating and thought-provoking novel. It is beautifully written and the descriptive passages create a sense of wonder. You feel invested in the lives of the characters as their stories unfold, enticing you to keep reading. I would heartily recommend it.

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