
Dear Friends,

Lots of news for you this month, as we move into the darker, colder days and nights of autumn.

Somehow, although we know it shouldn’t, the darker days can bring a feeling of sadness. Children feel this, too – we know how hard-pressed the children’s mental health service is, and it gets worse as winter presses in.

I almost hesitate to write this, as it’s so upsetting, but we heard of another local girl taking her life recently. She was 16 years old, and a talented artist, with her life ahead of her. Yet she seemed to think there was no hope. I just don’t know what else to say, except that we need to keep praying for our young people.

Hallow’een is coming up, too, with all its shades of darkness. Some kids don’t seem to mind the scariness – revelling in it, even – but others can find it deeply disturbing.

Books can change lives – that’s why we exist.

girl reading

Let’s fight back and fill the world (as much as we are able!) with exciting, inspiring and encouraging Christian books that will fill our children’s minds, and our teenagers’ minds with good things.

They are sooo worth it!

If you are in the UK you can buy our books from any of your favourite book stores. Why not support your local Christian bookshop and order from them? They might even have some of our books on special offer. 🙂

If you are outside the UK, you can get some of our books through Amazon, and most on kindle.

Year 0033

Year 0033 reached third place in the Amazon best-selling charts for Christian fiction for young people last month – that’s AMAZING… and reviews have been very positive.

If you haven’t got your copy yet, you can buy it here.

If you have read it, please do post a review on Goodreads, Eden, Amazon and here on the Dernier Publishing website. Even the smallest review is enormously helpful.

The most important thing isn’t ratings, though. It’s that young people (and adults, too!) are being inspired. One reviewer said,

This book is a very successful look into the hardship and passion that following God in difficult and dangerous circumstances can bring. The faith journey that the main character, Chella, goes on is powerful in emotion and love for the Lord. Pushing me to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters, this book is a real look into what our future world could possibly be. Though the book may be quiet, it speaks firmly to the importance of faith in God and commitment to each other within the church, both persecuted and free.

Thanks Lynn!

You can read the full review here: https://cleanfictionblog.blogspot.com/2021/06/year-0033.html

Oliver’s Secret

Oliver’s Secret is due for launch on 1st November, and is now available for pre-order here on our website! Yay!!!

As a ‘THANK YOU’ for ordering early, you will receive a FREE book (from the Dernier range), in with your order, to bless another child. You don’t need a coupon or a special code – we will add in one of our books with every order, and send your books together on launch day. 🙂

Oliver’s Secret is a wonderful story about seven-year-old Clare, who has moved from China with her family, and who is now feeling lonely in her new home. She prays for a cat, and along comes Oliver… but who does he belong to?

The story will keep young readers guessing, and give you a brilliant opportunity to talk about the role prayer can play in our lives, and the importance of friendship (making sure no one feels left out).

This book, with its gentle message of faith, is a bit like Nobody’s Dog in style, and is written by the same lovely author (Eleanor Watkins).

It’s perfect for bedtime reading, or for a first ‘chapter book’ for improving readers. The text is dyslexia friendly, with fun black and white illustrations.

It’s brilliant for any child who is struggling with change, is feeling lonely, loves stories, or who loves cats!

One young reader said, “I absolutely love this book! I couldn’t help but smile all the way through.

You can pre-order the book here.

The Book Club

If you are a Book Club member, check out your letter from Joy this month for a special offer! If you are not a Book Club member, but would like to join (a book a month for the incredible price of £5), simply click here and sign up. 🙂

I think that’s it for now. May your autumn days be blessed!

Janet Wilson


P.S. If you were thinking of ordering a book/books, don’t put it off. Your gift could bring life.

The October Dernier Newsletter
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