Christian Books for Children and Teens; Write for a Reason; Competitions and Prizes; Building Faith in Families.

April was a full month! We started a new Write for a Reason course, which is always exciting. This course is for anyone who wants to write novels for children/teens from a Christian perspective. The need for good reading material for our young people is huge, so it’s wonderful to be able to train more writers in the art of story writing. You can read more about it here. Do pass the info on to any budding writers you know. Or maybe you’d like to have a go yourself? It seems to me that the Lord is raising up people who want to share their faith through stories for children, but anyone trying out a new skill needs to learn their trade if they want to be successful – hence Write for a Reason!

More and more former students are going on to finish their books and get them published, which is brilliant. One of our students said, “I have learnt so much! I want to keep writing and honour the Lord with what I believe he’s put in my heart.” Amen! Stories are an excellent vehicle for the Holy Spirit to touch lives – the more stories, the merrier. 🙂


Our competitions based on the book I Want to Be an Airline Pilot are now in full swing. We are delighted and honoured that Rev Mary Hawes, National Children’s Advisor for the Archbishops’ Council, will be judging the prayer competition. Paul Kerensa, award-winning writer and comedian, will be judging the poetry competition (along with his children!). Ben and Hannah Dunnett, a brilliantly creative couple, will be judging the picture competition, and Deer Path Photography will be judging the photos. Watch this space as we appoint more judges!

It’s exciting, not just because the competitions are fun (and children need something to do at home!), but because families engaging in this lovely story will grow in faith together.

For more information about the book, the competitions, and how your children can join in/win prizes, please click here.

Christian Bookshops

Bookshops are still closed at the time of writing. Please pray for those who have a passion for keeping Christian bookshops open in the UK – they face an uncertain future. In the meantime, some have online shops, so please do use them if you can.

Coronavirus and Loss

Sadly, many children across the world will have lost much-loved grandparents and other relatives and friends to the coronavirus. Those who are not bereaved are still facing losses of other kinds (as are we all)… loss of freedom, not being able to meet up with friends and, in some cases, not being able to get away from difficult situations at home – financial pressure, hunger, mental illness, addictions, abuse… and so the list goes on.

If you know children you are concerned for, please do buy them a book – some desperately need to know someone cares, more than ever.

Books to bring hope

Books to bring joy

Books to bring peace

All our books are currently half price from our website (£2.99 each). We can send direct to any address. Or you can buy the kindle versions instantly wherever you are in the world.

For 10-14s who have no church background, The Only Way would be a good choice – it’s a fast-paced, quite short story. The lad runs away from home due to bullying. The Christian element to the story is subtle. Younger children (8-11) might like Living in Hope. Frida, from a child-led family, gets tricked into becoming a domestic servant. Children in single parent families would identify with Jess in A New Me. Her dad drinks, and the family faces eviction, even after he leaves. After a new start, Jess starts going to a church youth club where she finds out what a Christian is. Revenge of the Flying Carpet, for 10-14s, is good for bookworms from broken homes – Paul seeks revenge, but gets more than he bargained for…

If you have any queries about any of our books, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

All of them have touched lives, and are continuing to do so.

Joy on Furlough

Shout out to Joy McIlroy, who is helping us with our social media, while she is on furlough! Thank you Joy! I first met Joy many years ago at a Christian book trade event, and we’ve kept in touch since. She usually works for CWR, but as she has a bit more time right now (and lots of skills!), she has volunteered to help out. Joy is married to Doug, has two children and lives in Hampshire. If you see some interesting posts on our Facebook page over the next few weeks, it’s probably thanks to Joy! 🙂

If you have some spare time and some skills we could use, please considering volunteering. I’d particularly love to hear from a book cover designer…

(In case you’re thinking, that’s really cheeky, just to let you know that everything we earn goes ploughed back into producing more books, so we can reach more children with the good news.)

Books Going Out

These books are going out today!

Please pray for the children who will read them. Thank you! We are here to serve you and your children. Please do let us know if there’s anything we can do to help you.

With love to you all,


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Good News in the Darkness

When children can’t meet up with their friends or go to church clubs and groups, Christian books make brilliant presents.

A book can be a friend for the lonely. The characters can inspire, and truths can be shared through an exciting plot. A book that shares good news can be a cup of cold water to a weary soul, food for the hungry – and several hours of thrilling reading for those who just love a good story!

If you know a child who needs to hear some good news, don’t let them miss out.

All our books are still half price during the lockdown – you could save a lot of money if you are buying for a group. 🙂

And don’t forget our competitions, which are a brilliant way to get whole families engaged with I Want to Be an Airline Pilot.

Here’s a little taste of the book, from chapter seven, when Shema goes to get help for his sick brother, but finds himself in danger instead:

He wanted to try to escape and run home but as he tried to call out “help!” his voice just seemed to dry up inside his mouth. He knew, too, that these huts were away from the road and the other houses, so nobody would hear him anyway.

I Want to Be an Airline Pilot and Deepest Darkness

This time, when the tears came, he could not even wipe them away. They fell down his face and felt salty on his lips. He realised he was also very thirsty. From somewhere deep inside him Shema felt he should talk to Mister God, even though he had never met him and didn’t know where he was.

“Mister God,” whispered Shema through his dry mouth, “you gave us warm clothes and Mama Grace and the teacher both said you loved us. I don’t know how you can, but help me now, please help me!”

We are delighted that the talented Ben and Hannah Dunnett have kindly agreed to judge our picture competition, based on this exciting story! Hannah is a Christian artist with international acclaim; Ben is a songwriter and worship leader. We’re so thrilled to have them on board!

May the Lord bless you this week, and if there’s anything we can do to help in these uncertain times, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

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Our Children’s Security is at Risk

Security is a basic human need. We all need to know where our next meal is coming from; that we are safe from the enemy – if we don’t have these things, we are not at peace.

In the very depths of our souls we all long to feel safe and settled. We have jobs so we can provide for our family and locks on our doors to keep out intruders. The idea of ‘living peacefully under our own fig tree and vine’ is more than a bit appealing – we long for this at the very heart of our being and do our best to make it a reality.

As Christians we know that our safety and security lie in knowing Christ, our Rock, rather than relying on our circumstances. Some of us will have been saying that for years, and believing it. But right now, the carpet is being swept from under our collective feet – we are all being tested together.

Where does our security really lie? On what are we depending? What gives us peace?

All of us have been touched by Covid-19 in one way or another – and it’s unsettling. We don’t know who will be next to succumb to the virus. None of us knows what our long term future will be.

Our children are also in this with us. They are on lockdown, cut off from their friends, not knowing when they will be able to go back to their school, sports, church and groups. They are watching the scary images on the news. They don’t know who will be the next victim – will it be a loved member of their own family?

Even as I write, the dad of a teenage girl in our church is in the high dependency unit of our local hospital. Our hearts are aching for the family, and for all the thousands of families who are touched by what is for them, more than news on a screen. If this is you, I am so sorry.

We all need to know that our security is in Jesus – to know His peace. That underneath everything are the everlasting arms of the Almighty.

Our children need to know this, too.

All our books aim to build faith through the medium of fun, relevant stories. The characters in the stories have to go through all manner of difficulties, but every story ends with hope (even if it’s not the wanted or expected outcome), because that’s true to life – whatever happens we know the One who holds all things in His hands.

If you have a child on your heart right now:

1. Browse our books

2. Choose one

3. Have it sent directly to them (just put their address in the ‘shipping’ box).

We will do the rest!

Here’s some good news for you… we have started to receive entries for our summer I Want to Be an Airline Pilot competitions! It’s all good fun, and faith building, and we’re delighted to announce that the wonderful, funny, Paul Kerensa, has agreed to judge the poetry competition, along with his two children. 🙂

You can read more about Paul here on his website.

One mum said to me in an email, “Thank you for setting up these competitions. These books are such a blessing and my daughter’s favourites!!” Her daughter has entered a beautiful poem and a prayer for the children of the world.

Want your children to take part? They can, wherever they are in the world. They will grow in faith as they engage in Shema’s exciting (sometimes scary!) adventures and discover the identity of Mr God, who sorted a new top for Shema when a goat ate his only T-shirt. Click here to go to the Summer Competitions page.

I Want to Be an Airline Pilot

The paperback is £2.99: the kindle version is instantly downloadable all over the world for around £1.99.

Entry to the competitions is completely free and there are lots of prizes!

Finally, if you have a copy of Nobody’s Dog to review, please can you send your reviews to me by Monday, please? Thanks so much! The best will go on the back cover of the book.

Janet Wilson

Right, let’s keep fighting!


Click here to get your books.

Click here for the competitions.

P.S. Anything you’d like to ask, please feel free!

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Fun New Activities and Competitions to Keep Your Children Busy!

So, another week of lockdown… what a strange and concerning time, when it seems that all the world is waiting, unsettled, to see what will happen over the next few days and weeks.

I do hope you and yours are keeping well. My youngest son’s fiancée is a nurse, working with Covid-19 patients. A local care home has residents with the virus…

What a wonderful thing it is to know the Lord who holds all things in his hands. None of this has taken him by surprise. What a comfort that knowledge is, even when our world is being shaken – when life itself is suddenly uncertain.

We won’t be able to celebrate Easter in the usual way this week, but the truth about Jesus’ death and resurrection has not changed, and never will – that’s unshakeable good news to share when everything around us is shaking!

As I mentioned last week, we have reduced the price of all our books by half to make sure they are affordable for as many as possible. If you’re quick, you just have time to order books for the children you love this Easter! If money is not an issue for you, could you buy for a family you know who are struggling to make ends meet? Or buy books for your church children?

Order books here.

Plus, we now have a brand new free resource for 7-12 year old children at home – fun activities and competitions based on one of our best-selling books, I Want to Be an Airline Pilot! You can access it here – all you need to do is register, and start having fun with your kids today. There may be no holiday clubs and egg hunts this Easter, but that doesn’t mean the holidays have to be boring! If you’re a grandparent or children’s worker, you can also join in the fun with your children. Click here for more info and to get started!

If you have any more ideas for competitions and activities, or any prayer requests, let me know. We’re all in this together.

Must dash – I’m the ‘designated shopper’ and we’ve only got one toilet roll left!

Janet Wilson

Love to you all in Christ,


P.S. The competitions include prizes! 🙂

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Easter Good News?

Good morning. I hope this post finds you and your family well and coping with the lockdown. Yesterday I ‘met’ with my Bible study group on a facebook live, which was interesting! We all prayed for each other – for elderly parents, friends and family in the front line of health care, families home-schooling and so much more… I hope you are finding ways to be encouraged and find fellowship. If you have any prayer requests, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’re all in this together.

Easter is just around the corner, but we won’t be able to meet in our church buildings as usual. Would you, or your church, consider giving books to church children, or children who might usually attend a holiday club?

girl reading

All our books remain at half price (£2.99), and will remain so during the coronavirus crisis.

Now is the time to pass on hope at this time – all our books are full of hope, light, life and fun! We may not be able to meet together, but books are a brilliant way to get good news into children’s hands. Please pass on this information to your minister and/or children’s workers, and share on social media.

We mustn’t miss this opportunity – people are desperate for good news. Congregations can be encouraged and whole families reached with Christian books for their children, especially as they see the church caring for their children in a tangible way.

I am going to try to set up some book-related activities for children at home. Please pray for this, too (help!), and if you have any ideas for activities/competitions, please pass them my way, especially if you are a teacher/home-schooler!

Finally, to encourage you, an excerpt from book review of Beech Bank Girls, Every Girl Has A Story we received this week:

This is the best book I’ve read in my entire life and I definitely recommend it! Out of 10 I would rate it 10/10! Such a good book. I enjoyed reading it so much.

Beech Bank Girls, Every Girl Has a Story

If you have a book review, we’d love to hear from you! If you need to buy the books first, start here. 🙂

May the Lord bless you and keep you through this testing time, and if we can help you with books to reach out to the children on your heart, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Janet Wilson

Together in His service,


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Rebecca & Jade: Choices, Discussion Questions

Rebecca and Jade: Choices front cover
  1. Rebecca and Jade are at a clinic specialising in teenage pregnancy. One of them is pregnant; the other has come to give support. Do you know any teenage girls who are pregnant, or think they could be? What advice would you give if you were asked? What could you do to support a pregnant teenage friend?
  2. Jade has devised a plan for her life. Is this a good idea? Why or why not? Do you think Jade’s life plan might partly be a result of her own insecurity, or do you think we should all have one?
  3. Jade and Rebecca are complete opposites, yet they have become close friends. Do you have friends whose attitudes, ideas, personalities and backgrounds are very different from yours? Does this help or hinder the friendship?
  4. Rebecca was surprised when hers and Adam’s first date was at a church youth club. Are youth clubs a good idea? Do you know of, or attend, any in your area? Do you think the church should do more to help young people? In what ways?
  5. Rebecca watches a film about life before birth, and her whole idea about pregnancy and choices; i.e. termination, changes dramatically. What causes the change? What are your own ideas about an unborn baby? At what point do you think the ‘mass of cells’ becomes a human person?
  6. Rebecca and Adam are in love, and finding it difficult to put limits on their relationship. Do you think it is OK to have sex before marriage? People sometimes say it’s OK, “if no-one is being hurt” – do you think that’s a fair statement? Why or why not? Do you think God is interested in our relationships?
  7. Jade was taken advantage of by an older man who deceived her about his intentions. Charm can be deceptive, but it’s not always easy to see it at the time. Have you or has anyone who know, been deceived, exploited or abused by an older man or woman? What can we do as a society to protect vulnerable girls and lads from abusive people?
  8. Jade is prepared to sacrifice her own privacy for the sake of Rebecca’s reputation, even though she knows there will be repercussions for herself. What do you think this says about their friendship?
  9. Rebecca and Adam both come to faith in God through Jesus Christ. Do you think having a faith is important? Do you think all faiths have equal value? What do you think about Jesus’ statement that he is the way, the truth and the life, and that no-one comes to the father except through him? (John 14.6)
  10. Does it matter if, like Adam, we have doubts about God, about Jesus, about the Bible? Do we have to get rid of all our doubts before we can come to faith? Why is it important to have someone with whom we can talk things through, maybe someone older? Is it important to meet with other Christians?
  11. Both Rebecca and Jade come to realise that the birth of a baby is one of the most awesome things in the world. The Bible says that every new baby is designed and created by God, and is precious in his sight – each one with individual and unique talents and of great value. What do you think of that idea?
  12. Do you think Jade made the right choice to keep the baby? What difficulties do you think she will face, bringing up a child on her own? What issues might the child have? How do you think the adoptive parents would have felt? If you had written this book, how would you have finished the story?

If you would like to speak to someone about any of the issues brought up in this book, please contact the author through the contact form on the Dernier Publishing website, or seek help from an adult you trust, who can put you in touch with someone to talk to.

You can also contact Pregnancy Matters direct by phone, message or text, by following this link.

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Half Price Christian Books

Dear Friends,

I do hope you are keeping well in these strange times. I don’t know about you, but I find myself reeling at the sudden, drastic changes in life.

Who would have thought, just a few weeks ago, that social isolation would be a thing? That supermarkets would have empty shelves? That schools, sports events, clubs, groups, pubs, cafés, restaurants and so much more, would be closed? That the coronavirus would affect so many of us, so quickly?

The good news of Jesus has stayed the same, though, which is such a relief. Whatever is happening around us, Jesus is the light of the world. He is our hope and our Rock when all around us is shifting sand. He is our resurrection and our life, even when our minister’s wife is ill with coronavirus, when I can’t go to an elderly friend’s funeral, when I can’t visit my children and grandchildren…

Praying via Skype

Your trials may be different, but we’re all in this together.

At Dernier we thought long and hard about what we can do to help in the present crisis, and have decided to offer all our books at half price (still with free shipping), while the children are off school. This means we may have to put future projects on hold, but right now our priority is to help you get the good news out there to reach the children and families on your heart (including your own, of course!).

As you know, all our books are more than fun stories – they hold out life and light and hope. And, boy, do we need a big helping of these right now!

Please feel free to order as many books as you want to, for neighbours and friends, or to send to all your church children… most are £2.99 each. We have run out of Mystery in the Snow and The City Kid, but all our other titles are currently in stock. Some are a bit low, though, so if there’s a particular book you want, now’s your time.

Christian books for kids

Many of the books come with downloadable discussion questions, which are perfect for home study. (Parents: get isolated relatives involved!)

So hop on over to our website, order the books you like the look of, and get reading with your children (or get them in the post to the children on your heart).

Who knows what tomorrow may bring? Now’s the time to shine.

Janet Wilson

May the peace of God guard your hearts and minds,


P.S. Please share our half price offer with anyone you know who might be interested, in fb groups you belong to, with home-schoolers, and with any friend who would appreciate bargain Christian books with children at home. Let’s get the good news out there! Thank you – sharing is caring, more than ever before. 🙂

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Good News for Dark Times

Good morning from the quiet outskirts of London. It’s nearly 9am as I write this, and usually the road is busy, but right now there’s just the odd car passing by. These are extraordinary times, aren’t they? We need to keep praying for all those affected.

Good News of Hope – Books to Share

One wonderful thing is that few children are becoming ill with Covid-19 – what a mercy that is! Of course, children are still affected – those with underlying health problems are still at risk, they may begin to lose loved elderly friends, relatives and neighbours, and they may be stuck at home with no clubs, groups, sports and even school.

We’d love to help you if we can – not every child is a reader, but most love to have a story read to them! We’d love you to be able to share our books with their message of light, life and hope with the children around you.

At the very least, reading Christian books is something positive to do! At the very best, books change lives… a young lad at church has just read Mystery in the Snow. He told me it’s the best book. He was so excited to read about Christian kids, just like him. Who knows what will stick with him for the future?

boy reading

We’ve been considering how we can best respond to help YOU and would appreciate your feedback on the following two questions:

  1. Who would you most like to buy books for, if money were not an issue?
  2. Would you be more interested in kindle books, or paperbacks?

Please contact me via email – or on our facebook page, or in the comments below with your replies to these two questions.

Thank you so much for your help. We want to make sure that what we do will meet your needs, while still managing to make ends meet at our end. Always a balancing act! 🙂

Dyslexia friendly books

Some honestly good news to encourage you. We’re delighted that some of our dyslexia friendly books have reached Star School in Rwanda. Special needs teaching is brand new for this school, so they are delighted to have some resources. Please pray these books will be a wonderful blessing to children in the schools who struggle with reading – not just that they will help with education (although that’s wonderful!) but that they would also be touched by the message of the good news. Thank you!

New Books in the Pipeline

You already know about Nobody’s Dog, for 6-8s. If we have the resources, we will also bring out The Cat with Two Lives, for the same age group. We are also working on a book for 8-11s called The Dove Stone by new author Pam Daunton. It’s set in post-Roman Britain and will feature Rhiannon and her dog, Wolf, who looks something like this:

Large dog

Pam went in to a local school to talk to the children for book day. She told me, “The juniors were fascinated by my character Wolf and enjoyed thinking about the words we could use to describe him.” Pam regularly takes collective worship at the school, so the children were surprised she was talking to them about writing for a change! Please pray for us as we work on producing these new books for your children. Thank you!

Whatever is happening around us, we plan to continue bringing out books to help you reach the children on your heart with the good news of Jesus. Every book you give away has the potential to bear eternal fruit.

Please keep praying for us, and don’t forget to respond with how we can best help you with our books.

A: Who would you most like to buy books for, if money were not an issue?

B: Would you be more interested in kindle books, or paperbacks?

Thanks so much,

Janet Wilson


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“No other medium can witness so daringly, abide so persistently, or influence so irresistibly as the printed page.”

Good morning and welcome to this little bit of Dernier news, with a prayer request, an inspiring (sobering) quote and an idea!

First, the prayer request. As some of you know, we are working on a couple of stories for younger children (6-8-ish). I had lots of offers to review Nobody’s Dog – I must have sent the manuscript to upwards of 30 people – I lost count in the end! Thank you if this includes you!

Adorable dog

In this book Luke learns about trust and prayer as a stray dog learns to trust him.

Please pray many children will be touched as they read it on their own or with their parents. Please also pray that we will get lots of reviews (they really do help people choose), that production will go smoothly, and that in the future the story will be well used and loved and touch many young hearts all over the world.

Thank you for your prayers. Without prayer we wouldn’t exist!

On to the promised quote, which made me want to jump up and shout YES! when I read it in a facebook group I belong to:

No other medium can witness so daringly, abide so persistently, or influence so irresistibly as the printed page. It can be obtained and studied secretly, get undivided attention in quiet hours, leap language and cultural barriers that hamper personal contact, go where the human missionary cannot, and it lives after the spoken word is lost.” – Samuel Zwemer

So true, every bit as much for children as adults! How many of us have pored over ‘printed pages’ which have touched our hearts and changed our lives?

boy reading

If you need a book for a thirsty young soul, how about Living in Hope, set in Rwanda? One young reader said, “Everybody should read this book.” It holds words of life, and can be read over and over again. Or have a browse for, either in your local Christian bookshop, here on our website 🙂 or buy the kindle version or the audiobook.

An idea: With the above quote in mind, if your church runs children’s groups, uniformed organisations, Easter clubs, or supports a local school, would you consider giving books away? You can give a message once, or your children could take the message home with them. The ‘printed page’ could then witness daringly, influence irresistibly, be studied secretly, get undivided attention in quiet hours, leap language and cultural barriers and live after the spoken word is lost.

Contact me for quantity discounts and to help you choose the right book/s for you – we’d love to help. Cost: worth every penny.

Right, better dash – lots to do!

Janet Wilson

Have a lovely week,


P.S. Don’t forget to check out Living in Hope.

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All the February News in One Place :-)

A Dream Come True!

Yippeee and hallelujah! Our first book is being printed in Kenya through our partners in Nairobi! Thank you to Grace and the team from CLC Nairobi, who have helped us to make our dream come true. Now we no longer have to ship books to this region. 🙂

We decided to start with I Want to Be an Airline Pilot. Children love this story, and I know many of you do, too. The first 100 books will go to Education Bridge Africa as a ‘first fruits’ gift. If you’d like to join us and add a book or two, or several, or 100, or even 1,000, please visit the ‘Donate’ page. Every book has the potential to touch many young lives, as they will be going to schools desperate for resources.

In some cases, in deprived areas, the schools have no reading books! Not one! This shocking statistic shows there really is a desperate need. Education Bridge Africa have the vision to make sure every childhas access to reading books.

Your gift will:

1. Help children with their education, and so give them a chance to escape from poverty

2. Give them the joy of story

3. Show them they have a Father in heaven who cares for them.

The truth is, we can not give books away without your help. We just do not have unlimited funds. But we want to help, too, of course!

So we will match your donation. If you buy one book to give away, we will have two printed as a gift. If you buy one hundred, we will have two hundred printed. Every £5 you give will therefore supply two books.

You can visit the Donate page on our website for more details.

More Fabulous News – Mystery in the Snow in Croatian

There’s a bit of a story behind this book – I received a letter purporting to be from Parcel Force last week, saying they had a package for Dernier Publishing, but due to inadequate address details, they were unable to deliver it. I could ring the number and pay extra for delivery to another address… etc, etc… it sounded like a scam to me!

I decided to visit the depot and take the letter with me – lo and behold, there really was a parcel, which held two copies of Mystery in the Snow in Croatian!

As you know, Figulus, a Christian publishing house in Croatia, has published some of our books in the past… this is the latest.

This hardback book is a beautiful gift for any young reader – not just a lovely book with a fun story, but a story bearing good news, with characters just like them.

Please do pray for the Croatian children who read our books (Figulus have also published The Treasure Hunt and three of our Beech Bank Girls books).

According to the latest census, 86.28% of Croats are Catholic, 4.44% Orthodox, 1.4% are Muslims and 0.34% are Protestant. We pray that these little books will change lives!

(Quick question: do you think we should follow suit and bring out some of our books in hardback? Would you be more likely to buy a hardback than a paperback? Would you be willing to pay the extra cost? Let me know your thoughts.)

Writing Workshop

Attention writers of children’s stories (or anyone who would like to have a go): I am running a FREE writing workshop at the Eastbourne Christian Bookshop next Saturday morning (8th Feb), as part of their 50th anniversary celebrations. If you’d like to go, there is a phone number on their website for you to register your interest. If you’re anywhere near, do come – it would be wonderful to meet you!

Eastbourne Christian Bookshop

Hand in Hand Children’s Ministry Conference

On the same day, in the afternoon I will be speaking at the Hand in Hand Children’s Ministry Conference, also in Eastbourne. The title of my session is Exploring and Discussing Faith at Home Through Children’s Books. Sharing our faith with children is a priority, but it’s not always easy. In this session we’ll be looking at three easy ways to use books to start discussions. I will be giving out a free goodie bag of books for every attendee, so if you have anything to do with children’s ministry, do come – it’s not too late to book!

I have also been asked to speak at‘MediaFest2020’ – a European Christian publishers’ event in Prague in April – more details in due course. Thank you so much for your prayers for all these wonderful opportunities to help equip others to share the good news.

I think that’s all the news for now – you can keep abreast of news in between these newsletters by visiting the any time. And do feel free to get in touch, with any comments or queries – it’s always lovely to hear from you. 🙂

Grace and peace to you in abundance,

Janet Wilson


P.S. My eldest son and his wife live in China. With all the uncertainty, I’d appreciate your prayers for them. Thank you.

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Our ‘Pilot’ Book

Hello, Janet here with exciting news… our first book will be printed in Kenya tomorrow through our partners in CLC Nairobi! We will see this sample via Whatsapp video – amazing! As a pilot (sorry for the pun!) we have chosen one of our best-sellers: ‘I Want to be an Airline Pilot’. 🙂

Children love this book! If all is well we’ll go ahead with an initial printing, which will go to Education Bridge Africa as a ‘first fruits’ gift. If you’d like to join us and add a book or two, or several, or 100, please visit the ‘Donate’ page and we will add your books to the box!

Every book has the potential to touch many young lives, as they will be going to schools desperate for resources – and it will save the shipping! In some cases, in deprived areas, the schools have no reading books! Not one! Our gift will:

1. Help children with their education, and so give them a chance to escape from poverty

2. Give them the joy of story, and

3. Show them they have a Father in heaven who cares for them.

I Want to Be an Airline Pilot

Let’s do it!

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FREE Writing Workshop

Have you ever thought about writing stories for children? Fancy attending a workshop? Janet here, founder of Dernier Publishing and Write for a Reason. I’m running a FREE writing workshop at Eastbourne Christian bookshop, as part of their 50th anniversary celebrations. Love to see you there! It will be fun and informal, but with useful content. Contact me for more information!

🙂 Don’t miss out!

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Nobody’s Dog – Sneak Preview

We’re working on some new books – Luke learns about prayer and trusting God in Nobody’s Dog

Adorable dog

Here’s the first chapter, to give you a sneak preview:

Chapter 1

“There’s that dog again,” said Luke.

“Are you sure it’s the same one?” asked Mum.

“Yes,” said Luke. “I can tell by its tail. It’s got a bushy tail like a fox, with a bit of white at the very end.”

Mum came over to the window and looked down at the park with Luke. Spring was almost here, and the trees had fresh buds all ready to burst out. There were the first yellow daffodils nodding their heads in the flower beds. But it was still cold outside, and people walked along with their coats on and heads down against the chilly wind.

Lots of dogs were being walked, because it was Sunday afternoon. Some were on leads and some were off, chasing balls or sticks or just running.

But this dog was all on its own. It was a medium size dog with a feathery tail and small cocked ears. It had a brown and white coat and would have been quite pretty if it wasn’t so thin. It stood on the grass near the laurel bushes, watching the people passing but keeping a good distance from them.

“It’s a stray dog,” said Luke. “It doesn’t belong to anyone.”

“Oh, I’m sure it must do,” said Mum. “It’s just wandered off, that’s all. There aren’t any stray dogs in the park. Or if there are, the Dog Wardens will soon round them up.”

“What will they do with them?” asked Luke.

“They put them into kennels,” said Mum. “If their owners don’t come, they’ll try to find a good home for them.”

“But what if nobody wants them?” asked Luke.

“Well…” Mum looked uncomfortable. Then she said, “Luke, you’ve got action figures all over the table, and I want to set it for tea. Come and clear them away.”

Luke came and began to gather the figures together. He knew Mum didn’t want to tell him what happened to unwanted dogs. That meant it must be something nasty.

He didn’t like the thought of something nasty happening to the brown and white dog. He had seen it several times during the winter, from the window. Once or twice on his way to school he had seen it through the park railings. It looked lonely and sad, but he saw that it always kept well away from people and other dogs.

Pets were not allowed in the apartment block where Luke and his mother lived, except for little ones in cages, like budgies or hamsters. Luke had a hamster himself, round and brown, which picked up food in its little paws and stuffed it into its cheeks until they were full. Then it spat all the food out into a store it had made at the back of the cage.

Luke was very fond of Hammy, but there wasn’t a lot they could do together.

Luke liked living on the third floor of their apartment block, though Mum did not. She had put their names down for rehousing. She wanted somewhere with a garden, and hoped it would be soon. But Luke liked being able to see out over the roadway and into the park. He liked travelling up and down in the lift, and even climbing the stairs when the lifts weren’t working. He didn’t mind not having a garden. But he did wish they were allowed to keep cats and dogs.

Luke and Mum had their tea and then they went to church as usual. Luke kept a look-out for the brown and white dog as they passed the park. But the dog wasn’t about.

After church, he asked Mum if they could go into the park for a while. Mum said they could, as the evenings were getting lighter now, and they were well wrapped up.

“But stay where I can see you,” she said.

There were still people about in the park. The ice cream van and hot dog stand were beginning to pack up for the day. Daffodils were bright yellow against the grass, and tulips were showing their first bits of red. Luke ran round the circular flower-bed keeping a look-out for the stray dog. Mum turned up her coat collar and sat down to rest on a bench.

There were still some dogs about, but all of them were with somebody. Luke hoped that the Dog Warden hadn’t come and taken him away. Then, suddenly, he saw the dog. It was standing quite near, at the edge of a clump of bushes, watching him but ready to run at any moment. Its ears were down and its tail between its legs, as though it expected to be chased away. Luke saw that its ribs showed under its brown and white coat. It was hungry.

“Hello, dog,” said Luke softly.

The dog just stood and watched him. Then, suddenly, it turned and dived into the bushes. It disappeared among the dark green glossy leaves, but next moment Luke saw it come out at the back of the bushes. Then it ran off out of sight behind the shelters.

Luke parted the leaves and went a little way into the bushes, peering about in the dark green gloom. There, deep in the bushes, was a kind of scooped-out hollow in the ground. The leaves and twigs around it made a sheltered, secret hiding-place. This must be where the stray dog lived, with an escape exit at the back.

“Luke!” called Mum. “What are you doing? Come back over here, please.”

Luke let the leaves fall back and ran over to Mum. He remembered the dog’s hungry brown eyes and the way its ribs stuck out. “Mum,” he said, “could I have a hot dog?”

Mum looked doubtfully across to the hot dog stand. “I think the man’s packed up for the night.”

“Not quite,” said Luke. “If I’m quick.”

The man served him a lukewarm hot dog with the last scrapings of fried onions. Luke ran over and pushed it through the leaves, putting it on the ground just in front of the scooped-out hollow.

“Whatever are you doing?” asked Mum.

“It’s for Bushy,” said Luke.

“Who on earth is Bushy?”

“The dog,” said Luke. “The stray dog. I think he lives in those bushes. And he’s got a bushy tail. I thought Bushy would be a good name for him.”

“Oh, Luke, said Mum. “It was kind of you, but don’t ever try to touch that dog, will you? Especially if there’s food about. Dogs like that can be dangerous.”

“Bushy’s not dangerous,” said Luke. “Just lonely and sad.”

“All the same,” said Mum. “Remember what I’ve told you. That dog will probably be taken away soon. Dogs like that just aren’t allowed to run wild here, and a good thing too. Just forget about him. Come on, it’s cold and it’s getting dark.”

Luke followed her, putting his cold hands into his jacket pockets. But he knew he would not forget the brown and white dog.

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New Book!

We are really excited to tell you about a new book we are currently working on, called Nobody’s Dog. This lovely story by Eleanor Watkins features a dog who lives in the park opposite Luke’s apartment, but appears to belong to nobody.

For 6-8s, this is a wonderful first chapter book for new readers, or for you to read to the children on your heart. Luke learns how God cares for him, and how He works through trials to help us trust him more.

We will keep you up with developments!

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January 2020 News

Wow, can you believe it’s 2020!

Firstly, Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed the Christmas and New Year festivities. Probably, if you’re like everyone else, there were lovely moments and more difficult times. Trials are part of life, and as Mr Bronzovi says to Luke in Nobody’s Dog (see below!) “…we’ll get through, with God’s help. Learning to trust him, a bit more each time.

It’s our aim to help you reach more children than ever this year, so children know that even as they face trials of their own, God is with them.

Lad reading I Want to Be an Airline Pilot

Exciting New Projects!

This year we are planning some BIG NEW THINGS to help you reach the children on your heart:

1. BOOKS FOR 6-8s.

You have been asking for books for younger readers, so we are providing! These will still be chapter books, but they will be shorter, simpler, and have black and white illustrations. The first will be Nobody’s Dog, by the wonderfully talented Eleanor Watkins. Nobody’s Dog was first published by Scripture Union, but is now out of print. We have updated a few small things and will be making it available to inspire a whole new generation of children! This is a lovely story. We do not yet have an illustrator for this book, so if you know someone (they must have experience in the field) please contact me.


We have signed a contract with brand new author Pam Daunton, for a book called The Dove Stone, which is set in post-Roman Britain. We are delighted to be adding historical fiction to our list! 🙂 There’s some work to do on the manuscript yet. We hope to bring this book out by Christmas, but no promises! I am meeting up with Pam soon, so will bring you some pictures. Are you on Instagram? If so, find me on janetfromdernierpublishing to keep up with news. 🙂


This year we are starting a project to bring out our books IN A LARGER FORMAT. The smaller format is much less popular than it used to be, so we need to keep up with trends. As books go out of print, we will replace them with a larger version… that’s the plan, anyway! Please pray with us to keep as many books in print as possible.


If possible, we would love to start PRINTING OUR BOOKS ON DEMAND IN KENYA, so we can more easily reach needy children in East Africa with our books. As my friend Joan pointed out to me yesterday while we were having coffee, many children in Africa are desperate to read. The need there is huge and we have lots of requests… this would mean we don’t have to ship the books, which would be a huge plus! This has been a dream for a long time – maybe this year it will be a dream come true! We would value your prayers.

Dernier books in Rwanda


Later this year we hope to begin a CAMPAIGN TO UK CHURCH SCHOOLS. Having our books in church school libraries would mean the stories would be available to children from every background. We hope you will be thinking of which schools you will be able to put forward for a free pack of books with all our information!

Please pray for all these wonderful projects. We would value your prayers for wisdom, strength and all the resources we need… and if you have any ideas, please do get in touch. It’s always lovely to hear from you. 🙂

Christian books for kids from Dernier Publishing


I am booked to speak at two conferences this year, so far. Next month I will be running a seminar at the Hand in Hand Children’s Ministry Conference in Eastbourne. If you are involved in children’s ministry in any capacity, do check out the link. The title of my seminar is ‘Discussing Faith at Home though Children’s Books‘. Such a vital topic!

I have also been invited to speak at the MAI Europe Mediafest 2020 in Prague in April. Details to come, but I will probably be sharing something of the Dernier story to encourage other small publishing houses from countries across Europe who do not have a tradition of Christian publishing, and maybe offer some training in story writing for children, too.

I’m very much looking forward to both! Please pray for me as I try to fit everything in… eek!

Under the Tamarind Tree

Angel Tree

Please can I ask you to pray, lastly, for all the prisoners’ children who received a copy of Under the Tamarind Tree for Christmas through Angel Tree (Prison Fellowship)? Who knows what the Lord might do through these 500 books? But we need to pray.

Thanks once again for your support, encouragement and prayers.

We are here to help you reach out to the children on your heart through story, so if there’s anything we can do, please let us know.

May the Lord’s grace and peace rest upon you now and always!

Janet Wilson


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Getting Ready for World Book Day!

We are counting and packing up books for World Book Day today, to be distributed to Christian bookshops in the UK.

The cover of Mystery in the Snow is looking a bit dated, but it’s still a fun story – you will be able to get as many copies as you like on World Book Day from Christian bookshops for £1! I believe that will be Thursday 5th March. 🙂

Make the most of this great offer – and if you don’t think your kids will like the cover because it’s old-fashioned, read it to them instead!

There’s lots in this story for you to talk about (there are ten discussion questions you can download on the website here) from a Christian point of view, to help you share your faith with your children, and encourage them in their faith.

You will be encouraged, too! Don’t miss any opportunity to read Christian books with your children. It is through stories we make sense of the world!

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Our Mission Statement

Welcome to the first post of 2020!

Here is our new Mission Statement:

“Many children are growing up not knowing that God loves them; Christians have a responsibility to let them know. Stories help us make sense of the world, so we produce fun, relevant stories for children with a Christian element. These range from spy stories, to mystery adventures, to dramas and fantasy – and they all have children as the main characters!

Our aim is to get as many Christian books as we can into as many readers’ hands as we can, all over the world, for as long as we can.

We dream that one day every child will have access to the good news of Jesus through story in the language and format (traditional books, ebooks, audiobooks, large print books, Braille) best suited to them.”

We do hope we will be able to continue to support you as you reach out to the children on your heart in 2020 and in to the future.

If you have any queries or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

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A Pennyworth of Peppermints Reprint

These arrived on a lorry today, unexpectedly – our new reprint of A Pennyworth of Peppermints! We weren’t expecting them until the New Year – good thing we were in the office today!

Do you enjoy reading to your family? If so, this is the perfect book for you. Kids love this story. A message in a bottle in rhyme helps three children find a spy! Also lovely for schools – there’s so a lot of fascinating background to living through the Great War, from a child’s point of view. If you’d like one (or thirty!), you can order them here, or from your local Christian Bookshops, or to wherever you buy your books.

🙂 Don’t miss out!

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Reading Aloud

Did your mum read to you when you were little? Or your dad? Or anyone else? Who was your favourite? We would love to hear your memories! 🙂

Don’t forget, many of our books are now available as audiobooks. There’s something wonderful about hearing a story with a human voice, don’t you think? 🙂

Why not try this one? Great for 10-14s who believe in justice… you will enjoy it, too! 🙂

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Angel Tree

We were delighted to receive this in the post – we’re so pleased to be working with Prison Fellowship, and specifically Angel Tree, with Christian books for prisoners’ children this Christmas. It’s too late to donate for this year, but if you’d like to donate a book for next year, or a hundred books, or 500 books, let us know. Your books will bring encouragement to someone missing their mum or dad, and sow seeds that may even spring up to eternal life. 🙂

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Last Newsletter of 2019!

Hello and welcome to the last Dernier Publishing newsletter of 2019!

This is such a busy time of year, so I will be try to be brief, and will concentrate on the two things we really want – 1. to get our Christmas presents done, and 2. to remember what Christmas is really all about. 🙂

Holding on to Jesus

In this crazy season, we are all rushed, but why not take the time this advent to give a book to read or to read a story, with the children on your heart, and discuss the issues of faith that come up? Most of our books have discussion questions online that you can print off. You know what: there will never be a better time than now. The only right time is now. Don’t put it off. Every day matters.

You may have to be inventive. You could read a book via Skype if you can’t be present in person. Or send the audiobook and listen to the same chapter so you can discuss it after.

With the proliferation of Christmas Eve boxes, how about including a Christian book, if reading a story through advent isn’t possible? The Birthday Shoes or Living in Hope would be brilliant choices, or Beech Bank Girls, Christmas is Coming.

We need to bring Christ into Christmas ourselves! Where there’s a will there’s a way. If you would like to give books to children who attend a church group you run, and finance is an issue, let me know and I’ll do my best to help.

Dernier Publishing books

Christmas Presents

All our stories are available as paperbacks (from any bookstore), kindle books (instantly downloadable from Amazon to read on any digital device) and audiobooks (various, including Audible, iTunes and Google Play).

Here are the links to some of our paperback books on our website (feel free to check them out here then buy from your Christian bookshop):

Beech Bank Girls, Every Girl Has A Story

Beech Bank Girls, A Time Remembered

Beech Bank Girls, Christmas is Coming

Beech Bank Girls, Making a Difference

All these books are fun, inspirational reads for 10-14-year-old girls.

Deepest Darkness. Gripping story full of adventure. Perfect for children who get anxious.

I Want to Be an Airline Pilot

Living in Hope

Under the Tamarind Tree

Exciting stories set in Rwanda – great for family reading, and a wonderful reminder that material possessions aren’t the most important things in life!

The Birthday Shoes. Fun adventure story for 7-10s who might be wondering what a Christian really is.

Revenge of the Flying Carpet. A good choice for 10-14s who care about justice.

Rebecca and Jade: Choices. For teenage girls. Relationships are important to us all, and the choices we make affect our lives…

The Only Way. Gripping, brilliantly written story. Perfect choice for boys and girls with little or no church background, or who are finding church boring. For 10-14s-ish.

A New Me. Engaging story for 10-13s. With no church background, Jess finds new life in a new place.

All Dernier Publishing Christian books for young people

All our books are equally suitable for church or non-church children. Any other questions, or if you’d like quantity discounts, please don’t hesitate to contact me – I always love to hear from you. 🙂

I probably won’t be in touch again until the new year (gulp!), so let me take this opportunity to thank you for your support for Dernier over this last year. Your prayers and support have made an eternal difference to children all over the world, as they find Christ and are strengthened in their faith.

May the joy of our precious Saviour, our ever-present Emmanuel, fill your hearts this Christmas!

Janet Wilson

Love to you all in Christ,


P.S. I’ll bring you all the plans we have for next year in our next newsletter, when we’re all a bit less busy. 🙂

P.P.S. Please share with anyone you know who might be interested – the more children we can reach with the good news through story, the better. Thank you!

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Review of Deepest Darkness

Sarah and her son George sent in this lovely review of Deepest Darkness:

We both give the book 5 stars. I liked the simple way God was introduced and discussed. In our family, three of us want to go to church and talk about God often. George and my husband are unsure so he found he could relate to Abi’s uncertainty. I also liked the short chapters – we read about 5 an evening.

George is obsessed with animals so he loved all the references to bears and cougars etc. He liked the idea of it and the thought of spending every day on a beach. He also liked the way each chapter left you wanting to read on to find out what happened to Abi’s dad.

We read it together. George isn’t a particularly confident reader so I read to him. I thought the content was perfect especially for George who doesn’t like to be told what to believe and is very sure that he is still undecided about God. It was a brilliant way to open up the topic in conversation and for him to just be able to ponder on it and see how he felt.

We looked at the discussion questions [on the website], but we found we created our own discussions along the way which were similar to the questions.

We very much enjoyed spending this time together. With two younger siblings, we don’t have many opportunities to spend time just the two of us. His brother and sister would play in their rooms whilst George and I read – something we never get to do. It was just lovely to spend one on one time together as well as to be able to talk about issues that often upset him.” – Sarah H

Thank you Sarah and George for this lovely review.

Buy this book for a child on your heart. Don’t let your children miss out. Sow seeds while you can – who knows what fruit might grow?

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We’re in the Together magazine (for everyone involved in the Christian book trade). Here’s proof we are award-winning publishers! ?

Thanks to Torch Trust for the award, and for everyone who helped make this possible.

We are delighted to still be helping with files and audio, to help make our books accessible to children with sight loss.

Every child is precious!

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International Day of Children

Today is International Children’s Day, but some don’t have story books. We’re doing what we can, but it feels like a drop in the ocean. Every child should have books to read! Books bring life and fun – they help with education, and inspire readers to dream and see what’s possible.

Please pray for all the children, all over the world, who are reading our books today, and for those we could be reaching, that they will be able to get our books into their hands. Thank you!

If you’d like to help, we have a donate button. Or if you are visiting a school/children’s home in a place where you suspect there may not be many books, why not take a pack with you? They will be so appreciated, and will go on to benefit generations to come.

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Box of Books for African Children in Need


Dernier Publishing is delighted to be part of the #readtolead project with Education Bridge Africa. Education is a way out of poverty for many children, and reading is a big part of that (as well as being fun!). If you’ve been receiving our newsletter for a while, you will have seen some of the moving stories and photos of children in desperately poor circumstances, so happy to receive our books. For some of them, this will be the first story book they have ever held.

Recently Dr Loise took a selection of our books to the Joy Town School for children living with disabilities in Thika. (You may have heard about Thika, and its famous flame trees!)

These children were apparently delighted to receive our books – do pray for them (and for others who have received our books. These children (below) are from Rwanda).

Children at Star School, Kigali

We are sending a Christmas Box to Education Bridge Africa. If you would like to be part of this wonderful ministry, please find thedonate button and give whatever you wish via PayPal (you don’t need a PayPal account to use this service – you can pay by debit or credit card if you prefer). Every £5 you donate will buy one more book to put in the box. I hope to send a full box next week, so please send in your donations by the end of the week (Friday 8th), or they might not make it for Christmas.

Thank you!

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October News

Good News!

Now Halloween is over (phew!), the nights are drawing in, and like it or not, we can’t help but start thinking about Christmas. The real message of Jesus coming to us is such good news (light in the darkness!), but it’s not always easy to share it with the younger generation, is it? We know we need to, and we want to – it’s just finding a way!

There is so much confusion among our young people, all of them desperate to be loved, to have value and for their lives to matter. They are looking to find acceptance and peace in so many ways that will never truly fulfill.

We know Jesus is the answer!

In my parents’ day, most children went to Sunday School and were given a book prize in the summer, so they took the good news home with them. Times have changed, but the need for taking the good news home hasn’t. And these days Christmas is an accepted time to give gifts.

We would love to help you give books away as gifts this Christmas, to children your church has links with – schools, uniformed organisations, clubs and Sunday School. Perhaps even to children who use your church building for their carol concert? Or who sing in the choir? Think what a difference the books could make! They have the potential to touch whole families! If you’d like to read testimonies of how our books have touched lives, there are plenty here.

If you would like to give away books, but can’t afford to buy them full price, please email me. If we can possibly help you, we will – no matter how many books you are looking for. Getting the message of the good news into children’s hands is why we exist!

We hear of too many horror stories concerning young people. Maybe with your gift you can turn lives around this Christmas. The good news of Jesus is too good to keep to ourselves. The time to sow seeds is now – who knows what fruit will grow!

Christian Resources Exhibition

It was great to see our books on sale at the Christian Resources Exhibition in Surrey last month. Thanks to Dave Lock and Barry Mockford from bookshops in Streatham and Staines, who took them. Great stuff!

Christian Bookshops

Christian bookshops do a great job, shining like lights on the High Street. If you have one near you, do support them. Some of them will have special offers for Christmas, and you can buy calendars, cards, music and gifts as well as books. If you’re anywhere near Streatham, pop in to see Dave and the crew at Manna Bookshop – you will find all our books on their shelves! If you see our books anywhere, please send in your photos – we’d love to see them. 🙂


Dernier Publishing is delighted to be part of the #readtolead project with Education Bridge Africa. Education is a way out of poverty for many children, and reading is a big part of that (as well as being fun!). If you’ve been receiving our newsletter for a while, you will have seen some of the moving stories and photos of children in desperately poor circumstances, so happy to receive our books. For some of them, this will be the first story book they have ever held.

Recently Dr Loise took a selection of our books to the Joy Town School for children living with disabilities in Thika, Kenya. (You may have heard about Thika, and its famous flame trees!)

These children were apparently delighted to receive our books – do pray for them.

We are sending a Christmas Box of books to Education Bridge Africa. If you would like to be part of this wonderful ministry, please find the donate button and give whatever you wish via PayPal (you don’t need a PayPal account to use this service – you can pay by debit or credit card if you prefer). Every £5 you donate will buy one more book to put in the box. I hope to send a full box next week, so please send in your donations by the end of the week (Friday 8th), or they might not make it for Christmas.

Thank you!

Exciting News

Next year we are going to start working on a brand new project, bringing out ‘early readers’ for 6-8s. These books will be shorter chapter books than our current range, with larger print and black and white illustrations – a bridge between picture books and our books for 8-11s.

They will all be fun, relevant stories, with Christian themes.

Please pray for this exciting new development!


Don’t forget all our books are on audio, and you can buy them as gifts – all you need is the email address of the person you want to give the book to. These are perfect for children who prefer to listen than read. They can download the book and listen at their leisure on their phone/tablet or any digital device. Simply type the title of the book you are looking for into any search engine and click on the link to buy. The instructions will guide you through.

A New Me Christian audio book for 10-12s


If you have enjoyed one of our books, would you be kind enough to share it on Instagram, in a Facebook group you belong to, or another social media platform? So many Christian parents are desperate for good Christian books for their children, but don’t know where to find them. We have easy share icons on our website to help make it easy. Thank you. 🙂

Contact Us

If you have any ideas, questions or comments about any of our books, please don’t hesitate to contact us at any time. We are here to serve you and the children on your heart.

With thanks for your ongoing support,

Janet Wilson from Write for a Reason and Dernier Publishing


P.S. Don’t forget to email me about books to give to your schools and clubs! And do feel free to share this newsletter with your friends. 🙂

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Sold Out

We have sold out of the first print run of The City Kid. There are mixed feelings – it’s great that all these books are now out in the world, but we’re sorry you can no longer order this inspiring, thought-provoking book for teens.

The City Kid books

We will bring it out again with a new cover at some stage – possibly in 2021… we will keep you informed. Please do keep praying for the books, wherever they are in the world, that they will continue to be enjoyed, and change lives.

If you have any ideas for a new cover, let us know in the comments below!

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Gifts for Special People

Could you afford to buy a Christian book every month/term for your godchild, grandchild, or your Sunday School group?

If you write a verse in each one at the front, your special people will have an amazing stack of encouragement for the future as well as the present!

Keep sowing those seeds – you never know which will grow.

(Contact us for church/school discounts.)

Dernier Publishing books
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Children in Thika

Dernier Publishing is delighted to be part of the #readtolead project with Education Bridge Africa. Education is a way out of poverty for many children… and they are desperate for books to read.

A while ago we sent several boxes books for children in need in Kenya. Some have reached the Joy Town School for children living with disabilities in Thika. (You may have heard about Thika, and its famous flame trees!)

Children with disabilities reading books from Dernier Publishing

These children were so delighted to receive books to read!

If you would like to be part of this amazing ministry, sending Christian books to children in need, please find the DONATE button and give whatever you wish via PayPal. This is how it works: you buy the books at a discount, and we will pay for and organise the shipping, to Education Bridge Africa.

You can find the DONATE button here.

Why do we send books to schools in Kenya? Some schools are well resourced, but some are desperate for reading material for children. We work with Education Bridge Africa and their #readtolead project, which aims to make sure the most disadvantaged children have access to story books. Christian books are especially well received, as there is a strong Christian culture in Kenya. We work with Dr Loise Gichuhi from the University of Nairobi.

Please help this project! We would love to send more books, and need your financial help but if you can’t help right now, please pray that the books will be well used and loved, and will touch many hearts and lives.

Thank you!

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Sharing Faith

Do you have this problem… you want to share your faith with your children’s friends and family, but are a bit nervous how to do it?

Perhaps you even pray with your children for their friends?

Maybe you feel a bit guilty, and would grab the chance of a non-threatening way to reach out?

Of course you will invite them to events, and be kind and caring… but sometimes that’s not quite enough, and you know it.

Giving a Christian book as a birthday present is a non-threatening way for your children to share their faith with their friends.

What do you think?

Girl reading Revenge of the Flying Carpet
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Dyslexia Awareness Week

It’s dyslexia awareness week!

We realised the importance of dyslexia friendly books a while ago, so our last few Dernier Publishing releases have had a brilliant, spacious new look inside, with wider margins, better spacing and a dyslexia friendly font.

What do you think? We’re really proud to be inclusive! #dernierpublishing #christianbooksforkids #christianbooksforteens #dyslexiafriendly #inclusive

This is the inside text for A New Me. Really easy to read!

And this is the fabulous cover!

A New Me Christian book for pre-teens

Our other dyslexia-friendly titles include Revenge of the Flying Carpet, Rebecca and Jade: Choices and The City Kid.

The City Kid
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Let Your Light Shine

Thanks so much for praying for Dernier Publishing, and for your support. We are in a fight and we are grateful not to be fighting alone. We have an enemy who doesn’t want children to be inspired in their faith, to hear the good news of Jesus, to read stories of children just like them who find light in the darkness, who win through struggles by prayer and faith and have fun adventures! But we have to spread the good news to the new generation. If we don’t, who will? Some might not hear if we don’t tell them.

Last week I took part in The Turning, going out on to the streets with Christians from churches all over London, sharing the good news of Jesus. Most people weren’t interested, but some people, it seemed, were just waiting to hear! They were like ripe fruit, waiting to be plucked from the tree. A lady I was asked to follow up came to church with me on Sunday!

There is a hunger for the good news. Not everyone wants to hear, of course. So we need to spread our nets far and wide, to catch as many as possible. Could you help spread out the net? Could you buy books for your school, youth club, church children, uniformed organisation, family and friends? Could you give books away at Light Parties at the end of the month? You never know what seeds might grow from your gift. (If you need lots of books, contact me and we’ll do what we can to help with the cost.)

Prisoners’ Children

500 copies of Under the Tamarind Tree will go to prisoners’ children this Christmas, via Angel Tree (part of Prison Fellowship)! We are so delighted to be helping with this project, thanks to a generous donor. How many children will be touched by the message? Maybe all of them, by the grace of God! Maybe some of the books will be read over and over again. Maybe some of the books will be read by several members of the family. Perhaps parents/carers will read them to their children…

You can read more about the book here, so you can pray with greater clarity (and while there, why not buy a copy for a child you know, to encourage them, too?).

Christian Resources Together

We had a great time at the Christian Resources Together trade event last month! Thank you if you prayed for us. Author Eleanor Watkins helped us celebrate the 10th birthday of the Beech Bank Girls books!

We had some good conversations with Christian booksellers; we are so grateful to them for stocking our books in their shops, helping us reach children all over the UK. Saturday 5th October is Christian Bookshop Day… if you live anywhere near a bookshop, do support them – they do a great job in the community.

And we won an award! It was such a surprise and honour to be presented with the special ‘Accessible and Inclusion Award’ by Julia Hyde, CEO of Torch Trust, and David Shepherd, Resources Manager. It has been a pleasure to work with them. Now all our titles are available through Torch Trust as large print, giant print, Braille and on audio, so children with sight loss can enjoy our books in the way most suited to them. How brilliant is that? 🙂

Each book, wherever it goes, and in whatever format, is like a seed – some might be eaten by birds, some grow among thorns or in shallow soil… but some might grow up to bear 30, 60 or even 100 times what was sown!

Be part of it. Don’t let the ones you love miss out. Hallowe’en is nearly here, celebrating all that is dark. Let’s let our light shine!

Together in His Service,

Janet Wilson


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Angel Tree

We are getting ready to send 500 copies of Under the Tamarind Tree to Angel Tree (part of the Prison Fellowship), thanks to a generous supporter.

These books will go to prisoners’ children at Christmas, as a gift from their parent. How lovely is that?

Under the Tamarind Tree

Please pray for the children who will receive them. And if you’d like one the same for a child on your heart (perhaps one going through a tough time?), you can buy one here.

We can all be bearers of good news.

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Official Photos from CRT and the Award!

Hi, Janet here – that’s me in the middle (below), receiving our award!

Every year Christian publishers and retailers get together for the Christian Resources Together retreat. At this event we have an exhibition, worship together, eat together, share news… and have an awards evening. Here are some of the official photos, of the Dernier stand, where we celebrated the 10th birthday of the Beech Bank Girls, and of our ‘Accessible and Inclusive’ award from Torch Trust. Thanks to Julia Hyde and David Shepherd from Torch for the amazing award, and everyone we chatted to at CRT. It’s a wonderful thing to be involved in! (Thanks to Dave Lock for the images.)

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