Competitions for Kids

April was a full month! We started a new Write for a Reason course, which is always exciting. This course is for anyone who wants to write novels for children/teens from a Christian perspective. The need for good reading material for our young people is huge, so it’s wonderful to be able to train more writers in the art of story writing. You can read more about it here. Do pass the info on to any budding writers you know. Or maybe you’d like to have a go yourself? It seems to me that the Lord is raising up people who want to share their faith through stories for children, but anyone trying out a new skill needs to learn their trade if they want to be successful – hence Write for a Reason!

More and more former students are going on to finish their books and get them published, which is brilliant. One of our students said, “I have learnt so much! I want to keep writing and honour the Lord with what I believe he’s put in my heart.” Amen! Stories are an excellent vehicle for the Holy Spirit to touch lives – the more stories, the merrier. 🙂


Our competitions based on the book I Want to Be an Airline Pilot are now in full swing. We are delighted and honoured that Rev Mary Hawes, National Children’s Advisor for the Archbishops’ Council, will be judging the prayer competition. Paul Kerensa, award-winning writer and comedian, will be judging the poetry competition (along with his children!). Ben and Hannah Dunnett, a brilliantly creative couple, will be judging the picture competition, and Deer Path Photography will be judging the photos. Watch this space as we appoint more judges!

It’s exciting, not just because the competitions are fun (and children need something to do at home!), but because families engaging in this lovely story will grow in faith together.

For more information about the book, the competitions, and how your children can join in/win prizes, please click here.

Christian Bookshops

Bookshops are still closed at the time of writing. Please pray for those who have a passion for keeping Christian bookshops open in the UK – they face an uncertain future. In the meantime, some have online shops, so please do use them if you can.

Coronavirus and Loss

Sadly, many children across the world will have lost much-loved grandparents and other relatives and friends to the coronavirus. Those who are not bereaved are still facing losses of other kinds (as are we all)… loss of freedom, not being able to meet up with friends and, in some cases, not being able to get away from difficult situations at home – financial pressure, hunger, mental illness, addictions, abuse… and so the list goes on.

If you know children you are concerned for, please do buy them a book – some desperately need to know someone cares, more than ever.

Books to bring hope

Books to bring joy

Books to bring peace

All our books are currently half price from our website (£2.99 each). We can send direct to any address. Or you can buy the kindle versions instantly wherever you are in the world.

For 10-14s who have no church background, The Only Way would be a good choice – it’s a fast-paced, quite short story. The lad runs away from home due to bullying. The Christian element to the story is subtle. Younger children (8-11) might like Living in Hope. Frida, from a child-led family, gets tricked into becoming a domestic servant. Children in single parent families would identify with Jess in A New Me. Her dad drinks, and the family faces eviction, even after he leaves. After a new start, Jess starts going to a church youth club where she finds out what a Christian is. Revenge of the Flying Carpet, for 10-14s, is good for bookworms from broken homes – Paul seeks revenge, but gets more than he bargained for…

If you have any queries about any of our books, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

All of them have touched lives, and are continuing to do so.

Joy on Furlough

Shout out to Joy McIlroy, who is helping us with our social media, while she is on furlough! Thank you Joy! I first met Joy many years ago at a Christian book trade event, and we’ve kept in touch since. She usually works for CWR, but as she has a bit more time right now (and lots of skills!), she has volunteered to help out. Joy is married to Doug, has two children and lives in Hampshire. If you see some interesting posts on our Facebook page over the next few weeks, it’s probably thanks to Joy! 🙂

If you have some spare time and some skills we could use, please considering volunteering. I’d particularly love to hear from a book cover designer…

(In case you’re thinking, that’s really cheeky, just to let you know that everything we earn goes ploughed back into producing more books, so we can reach more children with the good news.)

Books Going Out

These books are going out today!

Please pray for the children who will read them. Thank you! We are here to serve you and your children. Please do let us know if there’s anything we can do to help you.

With love to you all,


Christian Books for Children and Teens; Write for a Reason; Competitions and Prizes; Building Faith in Families.
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