Dernier books on sale at Manna Christian Bookshop

Good News!

Now Halloween is over (phew!), the nights are drawing in, and like it or not, we can’t help but start thinking about Christmas. The real message of Jesus coming to us is such good news (light in the darkness!), but it’s not always easy to share it with the younger generation, is it? We know we need to, and we want to – it’s just finding a way!

There is so much confusion among our young people, all of them desperate to be loved, to have value and for their lives to matter. They are looking to find acceptance and peace in so many ways that will never truly fulfill.

We know Jesus is the answer!

In my parents’ day, most children went to Sunday School and were given a book prize in the summer, so they took the good news home with them. Times have changed, but the need for taking the good news home hasn’t. And these days Christmas is an accepted time to give gifts.

We would love to help you give books away as gifts this Christmas, to children your church has links with – schools, uniformed organisations, clubs and Sunday School. Perhaps even to children who use your church building for their carol concert? Or who sing in the choir? Think what a difference the books could make! They have the potential to touch whole families! If you’d like to read testimonies of how our books have touched lives, there are plenty here.

If you would like to give away books, but can’t afford to buy them full price, please email me. If we can possibly help you, we will – no matter how many books you are looking for. Getting the message of the good news into children’s hands is why we exist!

We hear of too many horror stories concerning young people. Maybe with your gift you can turn lives around this Christmas. The good news of Jesus is too good to keep to ourselves. The time to sow seeds is now – who knows what fruit will grow!

Christian Resources Exhibition

It was great to see our books on sale at the Christian Resources Exhibition in Surrey last month. Thanks to Dave Lock and Barry Mockford from bookshops in Streatham and Staines, who took them. Great stuff!

Christian Bookshops

Christian bookshops do a great job, shining like lights on the High Street. If you have one near you, do support them. Some of them will have special offers for Christmas, and you can buy calendars, cards, music and gifts as well as books. If you’re anywhere near Streatham, pop in to see Dave and the crew at Manna Bookshop – you will find all our books on their shelves! If you see our books anywhere, please send in your photos – we’d love to see them. 🙂


Dernier Publishing is delighted to be part of the #readtolead project with Education Bridge Africa. Education is a way out of poverty for many children, and reading is a big part of that (as well as being fun!). If you’ve been receiving our newsletter for a while, you will have seen some of the moving stories and photos of children in desperately poor circumstances, so happy to receive our books. For some of them, this will be the first story book they have ever held.

Recently Dr Loise took a selection of our books to the Joy Town School for children living with disabilities in Thika, Kenya. (You may have heard about Thika, and its famous flame trees!)

These children were apparently delighted to receive our books – do pray for them.

We are sending a Christmas Box of books to Education Bridge Africa. If you would like to be part of this wonderful ministry, please find the donate button and give whatever you wish via PayPal (you don’t need a PayPal account to use this service – you can pay by debit or credit card if you prefer). Every £5 you donate will buy one more book to put in the box. I hope to send a full box next week, so please send in your donations by the end of the week (Friday 8th), or they might not make it for Christmas.

Thank you!

Exciting News

Next year we are going to start working on a brand new project, bringing out ‘early readers’ for 6-8s. These books will be shorter chapter books than our current range, with larger print and black and white illustrations – a bridge between picture books and our books for 8-11s.

They will all be fun, relevant stories, with Christian themes.

Please pray for this exciting new development!


Don’t forget all our books are on audio, and you can buy them as gifts – all you need is the email address of the person you want to give the book to. These are perfect for children who prefer to listen than read. They can download the book and listen at their leisure on their phone/tablet or any digital device. Simply type the title of the book you are looking for into any search engine and click on the link to buy. The instructions will guide you through.

A New Me Christian audio book for 10-12s


If you have enjoyed one of our books, would you be kind enough to share it on Instagram, in a Facebook group you belong to, or another social media platform? So many Christian parents are desperate for good Christian books for their children, but don’t know where to find them. We have easy share icons on our website to help make it easy. Thank you. 🙂

Contact Us

If you have any ideas, questions or comments about any of our books, please don’t hesitate to contact us at any time. We are here to serve you and the children on your heart.

With thanks for your ongoing support,

Janet Wilson from Write for a Reason and Dernier Publishing


P.S. Don’t forget to email me about books to give to your schools and clubs! And do feel free to share this newsletter with your friends. 🙂

October News
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