Discussion Questions

Did you know we have Discussion Questions for some of our books? You can find the questions here. They could be useful if you run a book group, want to discuss the book with your children, or use the group for as a class reader. To give you an idea, here are the questions for Deepest Darkness (for 8-11s-ish):

1. Everyone is afraid of something. Do you have the same kinds of fears as Abi, or are yours different? Abi’s anxieties are all-consuming and affect what she is able to do. Are your fears like that?

2. Abi’s family is supportive of her fears, but other people don’t understand. Do people understand how you feel?

3. Abi felt safe in the cabin. Do you have a safe place, a place where you can be yourself, and relax?

4. What things do you miss out on (if any) because of your fears? Do you want to be able to overcome your anxiety, or are you happy the way you are?

5. Abi’s dad is very different to Abi. He likes challenges, whereas she doesn’t. What are the differences between you and your family and friends?

6. Nic only takes Abi one step at a time with her fears. She wouldn’t have been able to walk in the forest at night if she hadn’t first slept without a light at night, then walked in the forest during the daytime. Is there anything in your life you would like to change, if you could do it a little at a time?

7. Abi and her family have never thought about God before. Do you think God cares about us, and answers our prayers, even if we don’t really know what to do or say?

8. Abi’s family didn’t know much about praying, but they were willing to give it a try. Would you be willing to pray for someone else who needs to see light in their situation, like Abi’s dad needed to see the light in the forest?

9. Nic talks about Jesus being the true light that shines in the darkness. What do you think of that idea? Do you think you could carry the light of Jesus with you in your life? If you did, could that help you do something you couldn’t do before?

Deepest Darkness

10. Did Abi’s story inspire you? In what ways?

We hope these questions will help you engage with your children, and help to build them up in their walk with God. Let us know in the comments below if you use them, or if you have any further ideas for questions!

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A New Me

If your church has an Easter outreach event for 10-12s, A New Me would be a great book to take home. The story features Jess, whose dad has left home because he drinks. Forced to move home as they are behind with the rent, Jess, her mum and brother start a new life in a new village.

Jess joins a church youth club and meets Christian young people for the first time in her life. She learns about Jesus, forgiveness, and what a new start really means…

A New Me Christian book for pre-teens

As in all our newer books, A New Me has a dyslexia friendly design. Contact us for quantity discounts. 🙂

Dyslexia friendly books from Dernier
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Review of ‘Beech Bank Girls – Every Girl Has A Story’

Reviews like this brighten our day! This message is from a girl called Mary, who kindly took the time to write to us:

I wrote a book review for my school work, and I was wondering if you would like to use it:

“I really like Beech Bank Girls. It is about six teenage friends, Annie, Willow, Rachel, Holly, Amber, and Chloe.
In this book, there is a miracle with Chloe’s brother. He has been unwell with depression, he reads Christian books, becomes a Christian, and is much better.
Another thing that happens is that Amber’s dog dies, and her parents try to make her happier by getting another dog. They wanted her to name it. It makes Amber sadder, but after a cat fights the dog (who she names Hamlet in the end) she becomes friends with him.
Holly has a date with a boy, he kisses her, and she does not like it, so she cancels the date.
Annie joins the group of friends. Also, Willow gets to know God better.
It is a really interesting book. I think you should read it, and I think that you will enjoy it too!”

Beech Bank Girls
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Children’s Books set in WWI

A Pennyworth of Peppermints in set in the Great War. This is a lovely story for children studying the two world wars at school. There’s even a glossary at the end, and some recipes! Ben and his friends Sidney and Vera foil a spy plot, and learn about faith, evil, and who the enemy really is. For 8-11s, it’s a lovely book with lots of detail on what life would have been like for families living through this terrible war, and we walk with Ben as he takes the decision to trust in God. Educational and faith-building!

A Pennyworth of Peppermints

Beech Bank Girls, A Time Remembered, is a book for girls 10+. The story is set in current times, but Willow finds a diary written 100 years ago, which gives a fascinating insight to the war from one girl’s viewpoint. The Beech Bank Girls discover that although many things change, God remains as faithful now as He was when Grace was alive. If you want to encourage your girls in their faith, or give a girl you love the opportunity to find out what it means to be a Christian, this is the book for you. 🙂

Beech Bank Girls, A Time Remembered
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Going to Hillsong Kids

Hello, thanks for dropping by! Janet here today with just a quick news update: I will be visiting Hillsong kids’ Sunday School group in May! (In London.) Lovely talking to one of the children’s workers, Gabi, yesterday. I’m looking forward to showing the children our books!

Children who go to church, and children who don’t… both need encouragement to walk with Jesus.

If you’d like someone from Dernier to come and talk to your children, please do get in touch. 🙂

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Take it Seriously

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul with all your strength.

These commandments should be on your hearts.

Impress them on your children.

Talk about them when you sit at home when you walk along the road when you lie down when you get up… “

Take this seriously. The way you live your life, and the conversations you share about your faith can mean so much.

Christian books can be a natural way in to help you talk about your faith. If we can help, please let us know!

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‘I Want to Be an Airline Pilot’ on Kindle

Good morning everyone!

We’ve never given our kindle books a lot of publicity, so we thought we would give a little promotion to I Want to Be an Airline Pilot on kindle, and see how it goes. We have reduced the price to 99p ($1.29), for a limited time.

Having a kindle book just isn’t the same as having a paperback in your hands, but there are advantages: the story is instantly downloadable, so you can have it for a car journey or a rainy day without waiting for it to arrive, it’s cheaper than a paperback and you can order it wherever you are in the world. Plus it takes less space in your luggage, if you’re off on holiday. 🙂

I Want to Be an Airline Pilot

Did you know You can read kindle books on any electronic device with the free kindle app? So you don’t need a kindle to read a kindle book!

You can also buy a kindle book as a gift for someone else’s kindle/tablet/phone/device, which is brilliant – OK, you can’t unwrap it, but it’s instant, and there’s no shipping!

Why not give it a try?

I Want to Be an Airline Pilot is the first in a series of three books set in Rwanda. The story is moving, inspirational and fun. It features an eight-year-old goatherd from a child-led family, who discovers through a series of adventures that he has a father in heaven who cares for him.

It’s a lovely book to share answers to prayer, God’s love, the church as family, God’s provision and grace – and lots of hope! Lovely for family reading, to share together. Equally good for bookworms who love to hide themselves away with a good book. 🙂

Here’s the link to buy I Want to Be an Airline Pilot on Amazon UK

Here’s the link to buy I Want to Be an Airline Pilot on Amazon.com

You can also order the book from any of the other Amazon stores – Japan, Canada, India etc.

Here are some comments from readers:

“I just wanted to tell you how much Joe and I are enjoying reading I want to be an airline pilot!! I’m reading it to Joe at bedtime and he’s really enjoying it – it’s his favourite book so far!! And he’s read lots of books! He loves the bits about Rwanda that he’s learning and his bedtime prayers are full of thanks for all his blessings. We’ve had some really good chats following on from each chapter too. Each chapter he tried to persuade me to read on so he can find out what happens next – and not just delaying bedtime, he’s genuinely wanting to keep going!!!”

“Based on the author’s experience of living in Rwanda, yet sensitively written for younger readers, this book and its’ sequels are great little stories with plot lines that really draw you in and make for a good read. They also help children to realise how different life can be for children in other cultures. The Christian content is appropriate for the setting. I highly recommend them.”

“This was an intriguing and delightful tale of an orphaned family which was written with great compassion. The hero, Shema, and the lady that rescued him, Mama Grace, and their fears and emotions were very well portrayed. The story was fast-moving and full of local interest.”

Any questions about the book, please don’t hesitate to ask!

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Books Make Great Gifts

If you know a family who is struggling financially, why not buy them a book or two for their children? Parents might love to have a selection of Christian books, but not be able to afford to buy them. Your gift could bring life! If you’re worried they might think it a bit weird, how about saying, “I saw this and thought of you,” or just put the books anonymously through the door? Or buy them for Easter, a birthday, or find another excuse? 🙂 You never know what blessings your gift could bring.

Dernier Christian books for 8-11s
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It’s Half Term!

It’s half term (in case you needed reminding!). Reading together is really cheap entertainment, for hours of pleasure! You can take your children to foreign places, meet amazing people, be encouraged and inspired together… all from the comfort of your settee! Oh, and perhaps the most important thing of all… build up your faith… grab this opportunity before it’s gone.

Christian books for kids
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Lent Books for Children

It won’t be too long before Lent begins (Tuesday 5th March is Shrove Tuesday). What about reading a Christian book with your child (or as a family) – a bit every day through Lent this year? Be a great opportunity to draw closer to God together, maybe? Just a thought!

Perhaps you could keep a 40 day journal of what you learn together? It could be a precious keepsake.

If you need a recommendation of a book for a specific issue, let us know. Otherwise, why not start with I Want to Be an Airline Pilot (lovely family story) or A Pennyworth of Peppermints (set in WWI). If your child struggles with anxiety, Deepest Darkness would be a great choice. If you have girls, The Birthday Shoes is a fun book for 7-10s, or if you have older girls, the Beech Bank Girls are fab for 10+. Boys love The Treasure Hunt and Mystery in the Snow. If you have any recommendations of your own, please leave them in the comments below!

children reading
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Our books have arrived in Nigeria!

The two boxes of books we sent to Archbishop Ben Kwashi in Plateau State in Nigeria have arrived! We are delighted to hear this wonderful news, and are grateful to all who donated.

Archbishop Ben Kwashi

These books will go to schools in and around Jos, where there are many orphans and refugees, due to the troubles. Please pray the books will be enjoyed by many readers, and bring light and life and hope where there is so much darkness. Thank you! And if you’d like to sponsor a box of books, let me know. Now we know the shipping works, we can send more.

Dernier Publishing Books

🙂 This is a brilliant way to help – actual physical help that will make a difference. What a wonderful privilege!

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Review of Deepest Darkness

Reviews like this make all the hard work worthwhile:

A little boy said after reading Deepest Darkness, “It made me happy.” This little chap suffers from low self-esteem and anxieties.

Deepest Darkness, Christian fiction title from Dernier Publishing for 8-11s.

His mum, who read the book with him, said, “I was able to use Abi’s experiences of overcoming her fears, to try to get him to see how he might overcome or build upon small steps like Abi did. Social stories are tools used in school to help him understand some of his emotions so this was a good book for him.”

Mum also said, “I liked the way the book was written, how it had a lovely story but also explored faith related issues. The description of the island made it very believable.”

Her son added, “I liked the way Abi conquered her fears.”

Mum and son both give the book 5*.

If you’d like a copy of the book, you can order here from our website, or any bookshop.
Thanks to all who pray!

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25 Reasons to offer Christian fiction to young people

I’ve posted this before, but some things are worth repeating 🙂

1. Stories stick in your mind (Jesus told stories for a reason!)
2. Christian books are a great way to share the good news.
3. Young people can reflect on subjects such as prayer, justice
and forgiveness, for themselves.
4. Church kids find it thrilling to find Christian characters in a ‘real’ story!
5. Christian fiction helps church children feel less marginalised.
6. Books written from a Christian perspective can be an eye-opener for non-church young people, and can bring hope.
7. Stories are much more exciting to read than straight information!
8. We are influenced by what we put into our minds; Christian books contain Christian values.
9. Books help readers think about spiritual and moral issues.
10. Christian characters can be inspiring in the way they win through in different situations.
11. Ideas that come up in stories help us to evaluate our own lives.
12. Modern Christian fiction is culturally relevant (and exciting!).
13. Young people can find out how Bible stories are applicable to their own lives.
14. Books make non-threatening presents for non-church families.
15. They aid literacy (they are books!); Christian books have the added bonus of a spiritual dimension.
16. Children desperate for an education can learn about God’s love while they read.
17. Christian books make non-threatening gifts where spiritual input may otherwise be impossible.
18. Reading a Christian novel with your children is great for bonding.
19. You can discuss biblical issues that Christian books bring up, helping you to fulfil your duties as a Christian parent/grandparent/teacher!
20. Christian books can sow seeds that will bear fruit in years to come.
21. Not all books out there are helpful – Christian books are a fabulous alternative.
22. Christian books bring up current issues, such as modern day slavery, from a Christian perspective.
23. Christian fiction can encourage and inspire young people to walk with God, even church kids who are bored with Bible stories
24. We have received many testimonies of how our books have touched lives – some children are drawn to Christian books.
25. Every child is precious, and should have a chance to hear the good news in a way that is relevant to them.

 Lady with books for young people
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Larger Books

We are currently working on larger versions of The Birthday Shoes and I Want to Be an Airline Pilot. All good fun! These are such lovely stories, and I think the larger, updated versions will be great for readers. Discussion questions have been added at the back, along with dyslexia friendly font and layout. What’s not to like?

🙂 If you’d like first edition copies of either of these books, now’s the time to get one! Click on the links above for more info, or order from your local Christian bookshop!

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Dernier Publishing Newsletter, January 2019

Happy New Year to you all, and thanks for being with us once again.

We can’t promise that any of our books will change lives. But it’s not our job to change lives – the only person who can do that is the Lord himself. Our job is to faithfully keep sharing the good news – and praying that the seeds will bear fruit.

Author Mary Weeks Millard told me with a heavy heart of a 19-year-old lad’s suicide, just before Christmas. It’s hard to think of the words to say when faced with such a terrible tragedy. Mental health issues among young people/children have hit the news recently. As Christians, we need to respond. This article in the Guardian regarding children’s mental health is an eye-opener.

Could your young people’s group give The City Kid to a friend (John attempts suicide when life becomes too much for him, but finds new life in Jesus)? Might your church sponsor Deepest Darkness for pupils at your local school (Abi begins to find freedom from her acute anxiety)? Please get in touch if you think we can help. We are more than happy to give quantity discounts. Perhaps lives can be saved. Like George in that classic Christmas film It’s a Wonderful Life, we may never know the evil we have prevented by small, faithful actions. One mum once said to me, after her son read The City Kid, “I actually feel quite choked after talking to Sam about the book, as it has really seemed to help him at what is a quite difficult time in his own life.”

If you want to set up a reading group for your young people, we have discussion questions, for both books (and several others).

lonely child


This year, we have set some goals, to help us reach more readers (and listeners!). Your prayers for each of these would be so much appreciated (and you might even be able to help with some of them!):

1. Foreign translations

You may remember that a few years ago, some of our books were taken up by a Christian publisher in Croatia. Wouldn’t it be great for our books to reach more non-English speakers?

Dernier books translated into Croatian

2. On-Demand Printing Worldwide

We’d love our books to be available worldwide without having to ship them. CLC are setting up a facility to be able to do this… The Birthday Shoes is the guinea pig book!

3. Audio Books

All our books are now recorded! When I have the edited files, we can start to make them available.

4. Old Covers Updated

Some of our book covers are looking dated. We need some new ones!

5. Young People’s Reviews

This year I’d love to get more photos of young people reading our books, more reviews and even videos… if you can help with this, we’d be hugely grateful – just send them in! 🙂 N.B. We don’t use real names with photos, or locations.

6. Book in Progress

Yay, we need to produce more books!

7. Social Media Following

We’d love to have a bigger presence online. Please join us on facebook and twitter, and share our posts and links and news with your friends. My twitter handle is @janetwilsonxxx. Love to see you there!

8. Write for a Reason

This is a resource I run for writers. Please pray whatever I do will be useful.

9. Influencers

If someone well-known recommends a book, customers are more likely to buy it. Sooooo, it would be great to have some well-known people recommend our books. If you know anyone, please do pass on the info!

I hope that hasn’t bored you too much, but if we’re going to get the good news out, we need to have a plan. I’ll let you know how things are progressing as we go through the year…

Some other quick snippets of news:

I am running a workshop at the Hand in Hand Conference Children’s Ministry Conference in Eastbourne (3-5th February), on the subject of sharing faith through books. Please pray for a good response.

The box of books we sent to the Star School in Kigali has still not arrived – please keep praying! These children don’t have a lot of reading books, so they will be well used.

Children at Star School, Kigali

I visited Manna Christian Bookshop in Streatham last week. It was great to see our books on the shelf! Please do support your local Christian bookshop, if you have one. Buying online is convenient, but along with all ‘real’ shops, they need our support to keep going.

I used the time between Christmas and the New Year to give our website a new look. Any comments appreciated. 🙂

And I think that’s it for now!

May your life be filled with faith and fabulous fruit in 2019!.. and once more, thank you for sticking with us for another year. We couldn’t do it without you.


Janet Wilson

P.S. Some of our newsletters are filled with hope and joy. Having re-read this one, I feel more of a determination and readiness to fight. Please keep fighting with us. We can not fight alone.

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Books to Kigali

Please pray that a parcel of books we sent to this school in Kigali, Rwanda, will arrive soon! These children don’t have many story books, so our books will make a difference, both to their education, and perhaps the Lord will touch them through the pages of the stories, too. That’s if the books arrive!

The school is The Star School, Kigali, Rwanda. Our link is through author Mary Weeks Millard. Mary was here when she had the inspiration for I Want to Be an Airline Pilot! You can read more about the book by clicking here.

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Discussion Questions

We have been working hard to get discussion questions for our books here on our website. These questions can act as discussion starters for parents reading the book with a child, teachers with their pupils, church groups with their members… we hope they will be useful. 🙂 Feel free to share – they are completely free! Click on the links below to take you to the discussion questions for each of these books:

The City Kid

The Birthday Shoes

Living in Hope

Deepest Darkness

I Want to Be an Airline Pilot

A Pennyworth of Peppermints

A New Me

Revenge of the Flying Carpet

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Welcome to the Last Dernier Newsletter of 2018

Christmas tree of Christian children's books

We don’t know who’s reading our books!

We pray for all of the children who read our books. We don’t know many of them by name, of course, but we know someone who does. 🙂

This year we have sent books to orphans in Nigeria, several boxes to schools and a children’s home in Kenya, and to Scripture Union in Uganda. (We have also sent a box of books to Star School in Rwanda but it hasn’t made it yet – please pray it will find its way there, because it’s overdue!)

Not all our books go on long journeys to sunny places… many stay in the UK! We have no idea what happens to most of them, when they leave us for Christian bookshops, or are sold online. We do know that 500 children of prisoners will be receiving one of our Beech Bank Girls books (via Angel Tree/Prison Fellowship) this Christmas, and another thing we can be sure of – some of our readers will be going through tough times. Some may never have heard the good news of Jesus. Others may be struggling with family, friends, health, poverty… and all sorts of other issues. We can pray for them, because the Lord knows!

Over the last few weeks I’ve been helping out with three children who were taken into emergency care. Having found out I was a publisher, the two older ones asked if they could read the books. They chose A New Me and Revenge of the Flying Carpet.

If you have a minute, would you pray for all our readers? Thank you.

Love at Christmas

Christian Suppliers and Retailers

Dernier is one of the smaller publishers belonging to the Christian Suppliers Group. I had the privilege of attending a meeting at the HarperCollins offices in London last month. Wow, what a view! (If you can’t see the photos, perhaps because of your mailbox settings, come on over to our website to see them there.) It’s great to be part of a wider network of publishers, all working in the Christian trade.

View from HarperCollins London offices

A couple of weeks ago I popped into our local Christian bookshop to buy Christmas cards – Judith (on duty at the till) had been looking for a book for a niece with no church background and bought A New Me! Also good to see our books on the shelves. 🙂 Do you have a local bookshop? Most of them stock Dernier books!

Books in Christian bookshop

Pratts Bottom Christian Booksho







Every so often we get a gem of an email. This is one of them:

“We had our Sunday Club presentations two weeks ago where the children can choose a book from the bookshop and the cost is met by a kind widow in the congregation in memory of her husband who loved seeing the children. It was good to see a number of Dernier books being chosen, including a Beech Bank one by a girl who had already read one and ‘The Only Way’ by a reluctant 12 year old.

May God continue to bless you in your exciting ministry.”

If you have an encouraging story, please do send it in – it’s always lovely to hear from you!

Christian Books_for_girls_10-14

Quick Advance Notice

Details to be arranged, by I will be running a workshop at the Hand in Hand Children’s Ministry Conference in Eastbourne in February. More details to come.
If you are looking for a speaker for your church or writing group for next year (not long now, folks!), I love sharing the Dernier story, and/or running workshops. Kent/Essex/SE London preferred, but don’t mind travelling a little way!

Last Orders

Christmas is a fun time for most of us, but when the food and drink is gone, and the decorations back in their boxes, a Christian book can continue to bring light, life, hope, faith, peace and joy, long after the festivities.

Who will you buy yours for?

We will keep shipping Dernier books until the bitter end, but if you want to be sure of receiving yours by Christmas, NOW would be a good time to order!

Someone on your heart? Don’t miss out on this year’s opportunity to be a blessing.

Christian books for 8-11s

Emmanuel, God with Us

Jesus, come to us – that’s good news to share! May this amazing truth fill your heart this Christmas.

With love to you all,


Janet Wilson
Janet Wilson, Founder of Dernier Publishing
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Christian Children’s Books for Christmas

Christmas is a fun time for most of us, but when the food and drink is gone, the decorations are back in their boxes and all the festivities are over, a Christian book can continue to bring light, life, hope, faith, peace and joy.

To help you choose, pick the age group of the child you want to buy for in the categories above, then scroll through the books and pick the one you  think would best suit. You can read all the first chapters, so you get an idea of the content and writing style! If you need help choosing, please don’t hesitate to contact us. 🙂

All Dernier Publishing Christian books for young people

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Books to School in Rwanda

Sent off a box of books to Star School in Kigali, Rwanda, this morning! Our connection there is author Mary Weeks Millard, who was instrumental in setting up the school some years ago. The third picture is Mary (The Birthday Shoes, A Pennyworth of Peppermints, I Want to Be an Airline Pilot, Living in Hope and Under the Tamarind Tree) giving a gift of books to the Headmaster a couple of years ago. Please pray this new box will arrive safely!

Dernier Publishing BooksBox of Dernier Publishing Books

Mary Weeks Millard giving Christian books to Star School, Rwanda
Mary Weeks Millard giving Christian books to Star School, Rwanda

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Christian Coalition for Education

Dernier Publishing books are getting out and about! On Saturday we had a stand at a Christian Coalition for Education event in Oxford. We met quite a few teachers and headteachers, and we were heartened by the interest shown in our books. One headteacher said, “Why haven’t I heard about you before? These are exactly what we need.” Please pray we will be able to get our books into more schools, to reach children who might not hear the good news any other way – and to encourage our own church children. Thank you!

Christian Coalition for EducationDernier Publishing stand

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Violence in Nigeria

You never know where our books are going to go next… this time it’s Nigeria!

I was both delighted and honoured to meet Archbishop Ben Kwashi from Jos (Plateau State) yesterday evening. Archbishop Ben and his amazing wife, Gloria, have 51 children currently living with them. (Yes, that is 51; it’s not a typo!) Most of these children have lost both their parents due to the violence you will have read about in the news.

I asked the Archbishop if he would like some Christian children’s books to take back with him, and he was so enthusiastic! (We had previously sent some samples via a visiting friend.) So we are sending a box of books back with him for the children, for Christmas.

What a privilege.

Archbishop Ben Kwashi

Please pray for the children (many who have lived through traumas we can barely imagine), that as they read the stories, they will find hope and healing in Jesus.

If you would like to give a gift of a book/s, please find the DONATE button on the menu, and we will make sure your gift reaches a child in need. If you would particularly like your book/s to go to Nigeria, please add your request at checkout, and we will make sure your gift reaches these precious children. The Archbishop also runs about 100 schools all over Jos and in the outlying villages, so books are highly valued!

Thank you – standing united together in the body of Christ is a very precious thing. 🙂


Janet Wilson, Director of Dernier Publishing

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Christian Bookshops Support Dernier Books

We very much value our relationship with Christian bookshops, and our rep, Peter, who showcases them for us.

This week Peter sent us orders from five different Christian bookshops all over the country (including 10 books to Motherwell in Scotland)!

You can’t help wondering where the books will end up! Christmas gifts, maybe? Please pray for the children/young people who will read them!


Dernier Publishing book orders


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Christian Children’s Books on Audio

I (Janet Wilson) have been recording A New Me for Torch Trust… sorry it’s not a very good photo, but it wasn’t easy taking a selfie with the book and microphone! We are hoping to bring all Dernier books out in audio versions at some point – in the meantime, we are glad children with sight loss can enjoy all our stories in large print, Braille and audio through Torch Trust. Contact us if you’d like more details. Janet Wilson recording A New Me for Dernier Publishing

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Light of the World

A bit more of a personal post today. Janet here, founder of Dernier Publishing – thanks for being here!

I helped at our church Glow Party yesterday evening. We gave a Christian children’s book to each of the children who came (about 35, I think). Most were children from the local community, who came dressed up as witches, ghouls and the like. It was good to share the light with them in games, music and stories! Please pray for good seeds to be sown, in their lives, and also in the lives of their parents. Thank you!

Another encouragement as I was giving out the books: one of our own church girls said she’d really enjoyed reading the Beech Bank Girls and The Only Way. Always rejoice when I hear something like that! You just never know how much a Christian book can touch lives. Why not buy a book today and be a blessing to someone?

candle in the darkness

Today is All Saints Day, and we thank God for all the people who have gone before us, brought us the Word of God in our language, preached and taught the truth, and in some cases given up their earthly lives so we can hear and believe. Now we must do the same for the next generation. 🙂

Janet WilsonBe blessed, and be a blessing!


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Christian Books for Young People Going to Christian Bookshops

We are grateful to Christian bookshops all over the UK for stocking our books. Here are some orders ready to go – perhaps they will end up being Christmas presents!

Boxes of Dernier Publishing booksPlease pray the books will be an encouragement to all who read them. If you’d like one of these books for a child/teen on your heart, why not visit your local Christian bookshop? They will be delighted to serve you. 🙂

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Books to Uganda

Author Clive Lewis took some Dernier books to Uganda recently (The City Kid, I Want to Be an Airline Pilot, Living in Hope and Under the Tamarind Tree). Clive gave the books to Dickens Zziwa, National Director of Scripture Union. SU do a great job taking the good news of Jesus to young people all over Uganda, so the books will be well used. Delighted to see our books reaching places we can not go! Working together in the Kingdom of God is a huge privilege. If you pray, you are part of it, too – how awesome is that? (With thanks to Florence Lewis for the lovely photos.)Dickens Zziwa and Clive Lewis!)

Dickens Zziwa, National Director of SU Uganda, with author Clive Lewis
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One easy way to build up your relationship with your children

One way you can develop a rich relationship with your children is to read stories together. Mums and Dads, get involved! Talk about the issues the characters face… in this way you can get to understand what your children are thinking/feeling, and you get a chance to share your own wisdom.

Mum reading with children

This book (Living in Hope), tells the story of Sam, who is falsely accused of stealing, and Frida, who is tricked into becoming a domestic servant… when the children get her home, they throw a ‘prodigal’ party. Inspirational, educational, and great fun!

Living in Hope, and the other two books in the series, are available as paperbacks or as an ebook (available worldwide on the Amazon kindle store). Click on the links for more info, or to buy this lovely book for yourself.

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Only five days to go to the launch of A New Me! This lovely Christian book for young people (11-13-ish) shows how there is always hope, even when things seem to be going very wrong. If you can come to the launch, we’d love to see you there! The author’s wife, Jane, has apparently got some games and challenges ready, so bring the kids, too.

If you can’t make the launch, you can order the book here and we’ll send it to you next week. 🙂

A New Me Launch Invite

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Planning BIG… Taking Small Steps

Planning BIG, Taking Small Steps

Don’t laugh, but I have taken up running. Actually, feel free to laugh if you wish :-). For a long time I’ve been realising the need to do something to increase my level of fitness. Finally, at the end of July, I bit the bullet and downloaded a ‘Couch to 5K’ app on my smart phone, which takes total beginners through a nine week running programme. The idea is to start small (60 seconds running, 90 seconds walking) for half an hour, and gradually build it up. I’ve reached Week Seven and am running 25 minutes in one go. That would have been impossible a few weeks ago! How did I get this far? One small step at a time.

Janet Wilson with trainers

Planning Big

Running 5k seems like a huge goal, but that’s OK- I’ll give it my best shot! I have big goals/dreams for Dernier, too. I’d like to see Christian fiction for children available to every child in a way that is accessible to them – stories that point to Jesus. Paperbacks, ebooks, kindle books, spoken books, books in other languages, large print books, books in every corner of the word… we are making small steps towards all of these. At times the task seems overwhelming. But we press on, one step at a time, because we have a God for whom nothing is impossible, who loves all the little children of the world, and loves the older children, too.

dolls of the world

Stepping Together

Getting books into the hands of young people wouldn’t be possible without you taking some of the steps with us. Whatever your involvement with Dernier, thank you. Because we are working together, children in rural schools in Africa desperate for books have something inspirational to read. Because we are working together, 500 prisoners’ children in the UK will receive one of our books this Christmas. Because we are working together, we have a new book out next month with the potential to touch many young lives. Because we are working together, our books are in bookshops all over the UK. Because of you we have a website that is accessible to people in most countries of the world at the click of a button. Because of you, some of our books are in schools, libraries, churches and homes and maybe children’s hands right now.

There’s almost nothing that can’t be done by taking small steps. Not all of them are easy, and some take a lot of courage, sheer hard work and headaches along the way. But as we step out together, we can shoot for the moon. And if we don’t make it quite that far, at least we’ll have sown some seeds along the way. 🙂

Books for rural schools in Africa

Dr Loise Gichuhi from Education Bridge Africa told me via Skype, “We delivered some of the books to a rural village school today. The books fitted the 13 to 17 ages very well. Very excited.” The school have been requesting story books for a whole year. Not all the children are good readers, so some of the books we might consider to be a bit young for them will actually come in useful. And perhaps, like Shema in I Want to Be an Airline Pilot, readers will be assured they have a Father in heaven who cares for them.

Take Another Step!

At the moment I’m working on updating the website, building up relationships with retailers, making final touches to the new book and working to make it known, updating all our book files so we can go print on demand all over the world, finishing audio versions of the books (nearly there!), planning my talk for Christ Church… and soon I will be taking a week off! 🙂

Here are some steps you could take:

  1. Buy a book for a child you know from your local Christian bookshop or from our website.
  2. Donate a book to an African school. We have a donate button on our website now, so you buy a book and we will send it on your behalf – more info here.
  3. Give out leaflets We have new ones! Contact me if you’d like to give leaflets out in your church or school
  4. Forward this newsletter to your minister/a friend/youth leader
  5. Send in a review of one of our books
  6. Pray for Dernier and all the children who read our books.

Thank you! Every step forward is a step in the right direction!

Kenyan school children with Dernier Publishing Books

Christian Resources Together

Last week I was in Derbyshire, at the Christian Resources Together event, meeting up with other people who work in the Christian book trade. It’s always a good time with authors, publishers, distributors and retailers, showcasing our books, worshipping together, and deepening friendships over meals and drinks. I made some potentially good contacts, including interest from a publishing house in the States… if anything transpires I will be sure to let you know! I also had a lovely chat with J John’s wife, Killy, and gave her a copy of The Birthday Shoes for their grandaughter! You can buy your own copy here. 🙂


I’m speaking at Christ Church Orpington on Saturday September 29th, at a Ladies Breakfast. If you’d like to book a ticket, I’m sure they’d be able to fit you in! Love to see you there. There’s nothing on their website yet, so contact me if you’d like to come.

Kindle books

All our books are now available on the kindle platform. Just type in the book title in the Amazon search, and you will find the one you are looking for. Enjoy!

A New Me

This fab new book will be launched next month. Author Roy, and his wife, Jane, have got some great ideas for a launch – will give you more details next month!

A New Me from Dernier Publishing

In the meantime, thanks once again for walking with us, and praying for us. God will make a way where there seems to be no way.

Grace and peace to you all,


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Cat Standing in Your Way?

Hello, and welcome to the latest Dernier Publishing newsletter!

Bold and Courageous

What type of videos do you enjoy watching on YouTube? Surfing dogs, other people’s disasters, how-to videos, Tim Vine clips? (Or maybe you have better things to do! :-)) Have you seen this one: You Shall Not Pass, Dog? 🙂 Why do dogs hate walking past cats so much? Sure, cats can be mean, but what’s the worst that can happen? Some of these dogs get a clip as they pass, but mostly they survive unscathed… and some are so much bigger and stronger than the cats – they just don’t realise it! Aren’t we a bit like that sometimes? Fear of the wrong things holds us back. OK, we might have to take a risk, get hurt… but honestly, are there areas where you should be more bold and courageous? Any cats standing in your way? 🙂 I know there are in my life! Please pray for me, for our authors and all who work with Dernier, that we will be bold and courageous as we seek a wider audience for our books. Thank you!

cat and dog looking nervous

A New Me

I reported last month that there have been delays with A New Me – thanks for praying, it’s coming on nicely now, although we’re still waiting on the cover, which is a bit frustrating. One teacher who read the manuscript felt it wasn’t up-to-date enough, but we have also had some great reviews, including two from twelve-year-old girls:

Lucy’s mum, Ruth, said, “She [Lucy] really didn’t want to read it (she has sadly gone off reading over the last year), but once she started, she couldn’t stop – I am hoping it will trigger her to read again! She seemed to really enjoy it.Lucy said, I liked the real life scenarios in the story and how it showed that God can help you through tough times.”

Ellie read the book in two days and loved it! Mum, Michelle, emailed me to say:

My daughter Ellie has read your book (in 2 sittings!) and has written the bit below –

This book is amazing!! It shows you that through hard times all you need to do is trust in God. Jess was living in a difficult situation, she was surrounded by Christian friends and even though her parents and brother were not Christians she put her trust in God. I’m glad that she decided to put her trust in God. I definitely recommend the book. – Ellie (12)

I asked Ellie who was her favourite character in the book, and she replied: “Aidan, as he is not ashamed of his beliefs and is not afraid of what people think about him because he has put his trust in God.

That’s encouraging!

Edna, a young mum from Australia, has also read the manuscript. She says:

I think this is a great book that deals with real life issues of alcoholism, separation, and bullying, and how God can turn things for good if only we ask Him to. I hope that this book brings comfort and strength to many young people dealing with these issues! Need more books like these in this world we live in!”

I suspect this may not be the book you would give to an older street-wise teenager, but from the feedback we’ve received from the two girls who have read the story, it seems like A New Me has the potential to touch young hearts. Maybe for your younger 10-12 year-old girls at church? Those who need some encouragement, and a story where it’s great to be a Christian? To encourage them that they, like Aidan in the story, can make a difference by sharing their faith? And perhaps that they, too, like Jess, need to reach out to God for themselves, whatever they are facing in life?

I will put up some excerpts from the story on the Dernier facebook page next month, so don’t forget to come over from time to time. 🙂

And please do pray for the author of A New Me, Roy, as we plan the launch of the book and try get the book known far and wide. “Discoverability” is key. No point having a book and nobody knows about it. Thanks once again for your support for this story.

Children reading in Nairobi

Thank You For Our Books

Dr Loise, our contact from Education Bridge Africa, sent me a brief video clip of children in Nairobi saying thank you for the books we have been sending, and a report on how things are for children in some of the informal settlements of Kenya; sadly I can’t work out how to download the video to show you, but if you contact me I will be happy to send you Dr. Loise’s report of the desperate situation in the informal settlements. It includes some lovely photos of children reading our books!

If you would like to help with this project, let me know. Just one book could change a life! If you buy the books, we will organise and pay for their delivery.

Girl reading Revenge of the Flying Carpet


As you are such wonderful supporters, I’d like to make you an offer of our newest book: Revenge of the Flying Carpet first ten people to send me their names can have a copy for £4.99, postage free (wherever you are in the world). Theme: Revenge, justice, judgement, mercy. For 10-13s-ish. If you have never read this book before, now is your chance, then you can pass it on! And if you would be kind enough to write a review, I’d be most grateful. 🙂

(Retailers: If you would like to order copies of this book at extra discount this month, please contact me.)

Janet WilsonI think that’s all for now! Regardless of what happens in the World Cup, rejoice always! 🙂

Love to you all,


P.S. If you would like to receive our regular newsletters via email, you can sign up here. Make sure you are first to hear our news and offers!

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Thanks For Your Support

Hello again Friends, and thanks for sticking with us. We wouldn’t be here without you! GDPR has taken a lot of time, trying to get all the forms right, making sure our privacy policy says all it needs to, and poring over reams of information to make sure we are doing the right thing. The good thing is that now that’s all over we can get back to working on books, phew! Truly appreciate your support.

A New Me

The manuscript of A New Me is now with the editor. We’re doing the very best we can to make this a useful and enjoyable book for young people. Please pray for a great cover as well as a good book, with useful ‘Reading Group Questions’ to go at the back. Some people who have read the manuscript have enjoyed it; some have made suggestions for improving it, so still lots for the editor to do…


I attended a business conference recently and came away with some new ideas. The one thing I really don’t want to do is to ‘persuade’ people to buy books they really don’t want or need. It’s not about numbers, or sales figures, or ‘what’s working right now’, but about getting books into the hands of the young people who would be encouraged by them, or even have a life-changing experience. Books really do change lives. The thing I really do want to do with marketing is to get known, so anyone who is looking for books for young people at least knows we exist. I hope to do some more facebook advertising, and google ad words with this aim in mind. If you ever see a Dernier ad, please do comment, like and share, if you think your friends might be interested. 🙂


I’m thinking it might be good to have some Dernier ambassadors who will help to get the word out in their community – to pass on information to their church, school, homeschool groups, friends and social media contacts. What do you think? If you feel you could be an ambassador, let me know. Love to hear from you!

Schools in Africa

Schools in Africa are crying out for books, and we love to send them! Thanks to a kind donor, we were able to send two big boxes of books to a school in a very poor area of Nairobi, doing the very best they can in desperate circumstances. (Mathare Informal Settlement – do look it up on Google.) More schools in Kenya have asked for books… I hope to send some more soon. If you would like to help, or would like books for a school you support, please don’t hesitate to contact me. We try to help wherever we can.

Children at School

Equally, if you help run a Boys’ or Girls’ Brigade, kids club, summer camp or youth club, and would like books to give your members, please do get in touch. There’s always a way.

Exams/Summer Reading

It’s nearly the end of term, but there are still young people taking exams. It can be a very stressful time, but a novel can help! If you’d like summer reading for your young people, and would like some recommendations, please don’t hesitate to ask. I will be on annual leave in June for a week, but will get back to you when I can.

Prayer Topics

I’d be truly grateful for your prayers on the following topics:

  1. More books reaching more children/teens
  2. Ways to get books to disadvantaged children
  3. Ever better covers and stories
  4. For the audio versions (still working on those – had an equipment failure last week)
  5. New projects in the pipeline
  6. Excellence in all we do
  7. For the children who are reading our books now.

Thank you so much. “More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.” – Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

Janet WilsonRight, better go, you’ve been kind enough to stay with us, I don’t want to bore you! 🙂

Every blessing to you all,


P.S. If you use facebook, do come over to our page and join in.

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Newsletter April 2018


I hope you all had a wonderful Easter, celebrating the sacrifice of Jesus for us; his death and resurrection.

Recently I’ve been thinking about perspective. Allow me to share a couple of photos with you.


I took this first photo at Hever Castle in Kent – it looks like the Easter bunny is taking over the Easter world! The old castle hardly gets a look in, although you can just about see it in the background. In this second photo, taken on a recent visit to Hong Kong, many skyscrapers tower above St John’s Cathedral. But it just depends on which angle you are looking at it…

St John's Cathedral, Hong Kong

Like so many things in life, there is more than one perspective to Easter. It looked like all was lost on Good Friday, but it turned out to be the pivotal point of our salvation, as Jesus rose from the dead on the third day. Is the Easter bunny really taking over the world? You might think so from what we see in the shops. But we know better. Will secularism triumph over the church? Not a chance!

Praise God for the truth we know from his word, that the Lord will continue to build His church, and even the gates of hell will not prevail against it.

Sometimes we need to hold on to the right perspective, when other things seem to loom in size. Do you sometimes look at things through the wrong lens? I know I do. We have such a small number of books! But they can change lives. That’s more than the Easter bunny can do – the only thing he can do is expand waistlines!

Packets of Seeds

Recently a kind supporter sent me her church newsletter, which contained this book review for Living in Hope:

I really enjoyed this book because it was simple but written cleverly. I think it is a great idea and it is really gripping. Shema is my favourite character because he finds planes really fascinating. The creativeness of the children is really good and it seems really realistic. The characters are very detailed and are described in depth. The title suggests this is about hope but it is actually about a village called Hope.

I really like this book and I’d recommend you to read it.” – Alfie.

Book Review

It’s always so encouraging to receive reviews of our books – makes all the hard work worthwhile. Rarely will a child say in a review that they were touched in their spirit by a book, though, or that the characters were good examples to them. I guess it’s a bit unrealistic to expect it… still, we hope and pray that children nonetheless will not only enjoy the stories, but be impacted by our books in a way that is unseen. Perhaps the story will be a favourite, turned to again and again, passed on to a friend or sibling, or will impact the whole family if it’s read out loud. Sometimes a parent will tell us how a book has touched a young reader, which is always great to hear.

It’s also possible that a story will be completely forgotten! All we do know is that it is up to us to “plant the seeds”. Well, actually, I guess as much as anything it’s up to you to buy the “packets of seeds” from us! Together we can make a difference. If there’s any way we can help you reach the children on your heart, please let us know. We will always try to help.

Living in Hope is all about a group of children who are learning to walk by faith. One is tricked into becoming a domestic slave, so it also highlights an important issue from a Christian perspective. And the story of the prodigal child is lived out as Freda is rescued and returns home. Lots of seeds there. You can buy the book direct from our website, from Christian bookshops, or any online bookstore.

A New Me

Our next book, A New Me, for 9-12s, will be released later this year. We have been working hard on the manuscript, and hope to put the final first chapter on our website soon. Please pray for each of the steps of publication – editing, typesetting, proof-reading, printing; for the cover design, for distribution, for sales and marketing. And especially please pray it will reach the children who need to hear the message of new life. Author Roy Jones has written an exciting and relevant story – now it’s up to us all to do the very best we can to get it into as many hands as possible. Thank you for your prayers! If you would like to read a pre-production copy to review, all offers kindly received (we are always looking for reviews from young people for back covers!).

Prizes and Presentations

Does your church or school need books for prizes or presentations at the end of term? Please pass on our info to the person who does the buying – one of our books might be just what they are looking for. Please contact us for quantity discounts.

Janet Wilson
Janet Wilson, Founder of Dernier Publishing

And once more, grace and peace to you this month of April showers – may they be showers of blessing!


P.S. If you would like to receive newsletters by email, just let me know!

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Christian books for young people – all the latest news!

Welcome to our February Newsletter!

How old were you when you became a Christian? I was 13. (I’m not telling you how many years ago that was, hehe!) In a recent survey, practising Christians were asked, ‘At what age did you become a Christian?’ An incredible 76% of Christians turned to the Lord before the age of 18! So we do need to reach out to our young people while they are young, and share the good news of Jesus as soon as we can. I’m not saying we shouldn’t reach out to older people (I’m taking an older lady to an Alpha course at the moment!), but think what heartaches could be avoided by walking in the Lord’s way from youth. Of course, not all young people will want to follow Jesus – but at least we can show the way. The rest is between them and the Lord. And he does wonderful things! 🙂

Let’s pray for the young people of the world, each one precious in the sight of God. Lent has already begun, but what about praying for young people from a different nation each day until Easter? Prayer is an amazing privilege – I’m sure we will all one day wish we had prayed more, because it really does change things. Oswald Chambers put it like this: “Prayer does not fit us for the better work; prayer is the better work.”

Happy School Children

World Book Day – 1st March

For many years World Book Day has been a wonderful celebration of books and reading, with parents having to come up with a new costume each year! With a voucher, school children have been able to buy a book for just £1.

This year CLC have set up a scheme so you can now buy a selection of Christian children’s books for £1, and we are delighted to be partnering with them to give away our Beech Bank Girls, A Time Remembered for just £1/copy:-) This is the link to see all the books on the CLC website. The offer is already up and running, so don’t miss out! You can also get your £1 books from your local Christian bookshop. Do support them if you can. Don’t know where your nearest bookshop is? Follow this link. 🙂 Who could you buy books for? And don’t forget to pass the links on to all your friends, and pray for all the children who will receive the books!

Christian Books for World Book Day

Like to Win a Prize?

Reviews of our books are in short supply, but I’m told that the number of reviews a book amasses makes a massive difference to its success. I’d love to get a bit of a buzz going, but I can’t do it on my own!

Sooooo…. to reach as many young people as possible, I’m looking for people who will write honest reviews of our books on websites such as Amazon, CLCbookshops.com and Eden.co.uk (and of course our own Dernier Publishing.com). Please will you help? I know it’s a pain, but it’s all in a good cause, honest!

In return for your time, you could win a prize! Just email me to let me know how many books you have reviewed on how many sites, and you will have one chance to win for each review. (So if you review five books on two different sites, you will have ten chances to win.)

One of each of our books is up for grabs, so there are 16 chances to win. Shall we say until the end of March? If a son or daughter or niece or whoever has read the book, do feel free to write a review on their behalf. It doesn’t have to be complicated; it can be as simple as ‘Theo loved this book’. (Assuming he did, of course!) And your time is hugely appreciated – thanks so much.

Dernier Publishing books

Do You Write Stories for Young People?

For several years now I’ve run Write for a Reason, to help serve Christians who write novels for young people. I send out free weekly writing tips and run an online course, but now for something completely different: a “Meet-Up” course! Please find all the details below and on the Write for a Reason website. Let me know if you have any further questions – and do feel free to pass it on to anyone you know who could do with a bit of encouragement. 🙂

Write for a Reason Meet Up

Are Your Children Safe Online?

I know it’s nothing to do with books, but online safety is a huge issue for parents, and we all need to keep an eye out for the dangers.

This website is a useful resource from the NSPCC to help you talk to your youngsters about staying safe online.

Janet Wilson
Janet Wilson, Founder of Dernier Publishing

And that’s all for now! Every blessing to you all,


P.S. Don’t forget to let me know when you’ve done your reviews so I can put you in the prize draw! I look forward to hearing from you. 🙂

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Changing Lives, a Little at a Time

Newsletter January 2018

Lego Cathedral

Though we are many, we are one body. We all know that, of course! On a recent visit to CLego Cathedralhester, we visited the cathedral. They are building a Lego model of the cathedral, one brick at a time! Visitors can buy a brick for £1: all proceeds are for restoration projects. Seeing the model growing reminded me that we are all one body, though we have different jobs to do. Some of the Lego bricks are tiny, and some won’t even be seen once the model is complete, but each have their place! It’s good to remember that we are all in the body of Christ together – all with different tasks to do, but each one of us essential. As we start a new year, I’d like to thank you all for all you have done to help get Christian books into the hands of young people all over the world. It’s a joint effort, and I couldn’t do it without you. 🙂

Trinity School in Sevenoaks

Thanks to supporter Trish for this photo! Wonderful to see our books in the Trinity School library (Sevenoaks). Could you offer books to give to a local school? They may be read many times by many young people ovLibrary Bookser several years. What a great way to sow seeds. Some might fall on the path, of course, some in thorns and some among weeds, but some may grow in good soil. It might take a bit of courage to ask, but don’t let your fear stop you!


P.S. A local primary school teacher is using A Pennyworth of Peppermints with her book club. 🙂

Book Party

If you have friends and family who love books, let me know if would you like to hold a book party. It takes a bit of organisation, but if you love having people round it’s definitely worth it for a bit of fun, to get books into kids’ hands and to earn yourself a bit of commission. 🙂 Please contact me for more details.

Where Do they Go?

Most of the time we have no idea what happens to our books after they leave us in a box or a jiffy bag. Who reads them? We just don’t know! Occasionally, however, we get some feedback to keep us encouraged.

Dernier Publishing books to TaiwanAuthor Mary has given some books to a family to take back to Taiwan with them. I think that’s a first. When I first started Dernier Publishing, getting books to children abroad seemed like an impossible dream. It’s truly amazing to see what the Lord has done. Thank you so much for your help, for being here, for supporting, for buying books and for your encouragement.

Books are also shortly off to The Gambia and Tanzania, and even a few to China. Please pray for all these books – no, I don’t mean that, please pray for the readers of the books! Some will be adults, as in some countries there are few Christian books around and they are greatly valued. Who knows what the Lord will do? 🙂

Here’s something else totally unexpected: at a recent Torch Trust holiday for people with sight loss, a book group listened to I Want to Be an Airline Pilot on audio, and each person was given an additional copy of the book in the format that suited their needs best (Braille, large print or CD). We were told that:

Although this was a book for youngsters even the adults got a lot out of it. They found that it brought back memories of when they were young and had dreams like the person [Shema] in the book. It got to the stage where some read the book 2 or 3 times and each time got something different out of it and said it was an enjoyable book.”

Thank you so much to all of you who pray for us – your prayers are making a difference in the most unexpected of places!

Audio, Kindle, Epubs, Print on Demand and Books in Greek

Please pray for all these time-consuming projects. All are on the way, but all are taking longer than anticipated. Prayers appreciated.

Lent Resource for Young People

Revenge of the Flying Carpet front coverLooking for a Lent Resource for your young people? Lent starts on Wednesday 14th February. Not long now! Revenge of the Flying Carpet is a great book to use as a Lent Resource for 10-14s-ish, as the subjects of justice, forgiveness, judgement and mercy are on our minds. There are thought-provoking Book Group Questions in the actual book, and more detailed questions online for leaders to us (with grateful thanks to Brenda Lord for her expert help).

Is this something you could do as a family? Read the book together, then discuss the questions? Or suggest it to your congregation? One of the most pressing needs is for church young people to be discipled. It’s so easy to let the time slip by in lots of busy projects, but passing your faith on to your children is something only you can do, and you only have a short time. Don’t delay, start today! You can order the book from our website, or from your local Christian bookshop.

New Book!

Finally, exciting news – we have a new book on the way, which will be released, God willing, in the late summer. It’s called A New Me and charts the progress of Jess, who finds Jesus following a series of events. Author Roy Jones lives in Kent, where the story is set. We will be bringing you more news bit by bit.

Janet WilsonBut for now I’ve said enough!

Apologies for being a bit late, but I hope you all have a very happy new year, full of hope, joy and peace.


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