Deepest Darkness

Reviews like this make all the hard work worthwhile:

A little boy said after reading Deepest Darkness, “It made me happy.” This little chap suffers from low self-esteem and anxieties.

Deepest Darkness, Christian fiction title from Dernier Publishing for 8-11s.

His mum, who read the book with him, said, “I was able to use Abi’s experiences of overcoming her fears, to try to get him to see how he might overcome or build upon small steps like Abi did. Social stories are tools used in school to help him understand some of his emotions so this was a good book for him.”

Mum also said, “I liked the way the book was written, how it had a lovely story but also explored faith related issues. The description of the island made it very believable.”

Her son added, “I liked the way Abi conquered her fears.”

Mum and son both give the book 5*.

If you’d like a copy of the book, you can order here from our website, or any bookshop.
Thanks to all who pray!

Review of Deepest Darkness
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