Welcome to the latest Dernier news – there’s so much to tell you! Whoever is on your mind right now (kids/teens) we hope to be able to help you reach out to them.
Here we go!
Nobody’s Dog
Nearly there with this fab audiobook! Your children will love this. I will send you the link as soon as it’s available. If you’d like a paperback copy, you can order it from any bookshop. (Don’t forget to support your local Christian bookshop, if you are fortunate enough to still have one.)

Updating Older Titles
We are in the process of updating several of our older books. These include The Birthday Shoes, I Want to Be an Airline Pilot, and The Treasure Hunt.
You are going to love them! We hope to have them all ready for you by April.
All the books will be in the new, larger format, with clear, dyslexia friendly font and images at the beginning of each chapter. They are looking GOOD, and will be there to inspire a whole new generation of readers. Yaaayyyyy!!!

PLUS The Treasure Hunt also has a fabulous new cover, with cover illustrations by the talented Katy Hollamby! Don’t you just love these four? 🙂

Mystery in the Snow will also be getting a new cover, and there will also be a BRAND NEW mystery adventure later this year… this book will be particularly good for children who are adopted or fostered.
Right now:
Do you want books for school leavers, libraries, class readers, Sunday School classes, refugees to your area, or for Easter outreach/holiday clubs/missions?
NEW! We have quantity discounts here on our website, so if you want to buy several copies of a book, you can do a bit of saving. (We all need that these days, don’t we?)
If you need more than 30 of any title, please get in touch – we’d love to help you with whatever group you are looking for, if we possibly can.
Do you have refugees from Hong Kong? Oliver’s Secret would be a brilliant choice – perfect to welcome them to your church! Claire has a Chinese mum and has recently moved to England from China… she misses her old friends and is worried about making new ones. There’s a gentle message about answered prayer – just right for those on the fringes of church life.

Are you looking for an individual child with a birthday coming up? Flick over to the home page and have a browse. Don’t put it off! Before you know it, the moment will be lost.
We recommend: The Dove Stone for 8-11s/family reading. This is our newest book and getting some great reviews. (It’s also great for schools, who have to demonstrate that they offer Christian material.) We recommend The City Kid or Year 0033 for teens/young adults and Nobody’s Dog or Oliver’s Secret for new readers. And of course there’s lots more choice… You can even buy a whole treasure chest packed full of priceless goodies. 🙂

Children so badly need the encouragement, hope and fun that Christian books can bring. Well, not just children, their families too! Books are such a wonderful way to introduce readers to Jesus in a sensitive and non-threatening way.

Right, I’d better get on! Any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We are here for you.
Every blessing,
P.S. If you haven’t got anyone to buy for, but want to help, it’s not too late to donate a book for a rural school in Kenya (see last month’s email). Every one of your books will go to needy schools unable to afford to buy books for themselves – they appreciate it so much! All donated books are printed in Nairobi, which also benefits the local economy. Thank you for caring.