Thanks for being here – I hope you will find this letter a wonderful encouragement!
I saw this quote on twitter recently:
“We cannot force someone to hear a message they are not ready to receive. But we must never underestimate the power of sowing a seed.”
That’s so true, isn’t it?
A seed can stay for a long time under the ground. It might look like it’s dead, but one warm day, a little shoot might break through…

Some of these will grow and bear a crop – maybe even 100 times what was sown. That’s an awesome return!
So don’t give up planting those seeds (books!).
Books in Kenya
Here’s some really wonderful news!!!!!
Five of our titles have now been printed in partnership with CLC Christian Bookshop in Kenya!
We will be having an online event next month to launch/celebrate this wonderful new project. I’ll keep you informed – you will be very warmly invited.
So many children there are desperate for an education and thirsty for books to read for fun (but will also inspire them to follow Jesus). Some of our books are set in Africa, so are a perfect fit!
Exciting, isn’t it? 🙂
Sunday School Prizes
Many older Christians will remember looking forward to receiving their Sunday School ‘prizes’ at the end of every summer term, and remember the blessing these books were on their lives. Sadly, many churches have given up this quiet way of blessing young people.
Too many churches now don’t have any children at all… but even if yours doesn’t, could you give books away for older people to pass on to their grandchildren? Or give to families who come to a Food Bank or similar?
People are thirsty for hope in this dark world – a simple child’s story can open their eyes to the Lord’s love.

Summer Offer
With this in mind (and your own loved ones, of course!), we’d like to make you a special offer (only to readers of our newsletter).
One copy each of the following books:
A Pennyworth of Peppermints
Beech Bank Girls, A Time Remembered
Deepest Darkness
Living in Hope
Beech Bank Girls, Every Girl Has a Story
Rebecca and Jade: Choices
Under the Tamarind Tree
The Only Way
For just £39.99.
Simply contact us and we will send your books with an invoice to pay by BACS. (Limit 3 packs/customer.)
Keep them for your own library, or give them away- the choice is yours.
We’d love to help you reach out to the young people on your heart.*

Please Pray
We’d be really grateful for prayer for three particular things:
1. For the children who are reading our books right now, that the seeds may fall in good soil.
2. For wisdom for us as we plan new projects. (One is getting Nobody’s Dog on audio!).
3. For more books into more young hands.
Thanks so much.
Right, I’ve taken enough of your time. Thanks for reading! May you and your family be blessed. And don’t forget to order your special summer reading packs! All you have to do is get in touch – and we will get your books packed up.
Working together is a joy and a privilege in the kingdom of God.
Until next time,

*Retailers please contact us for current offers.