Nobody's Dog

As we press on in these difficult times, are you looking for ways to reach out to your neighbours and friends? So many people are looking for the way, the truth and the life, but they don’t know where to find it. Books are a great way to share your faith with gentleness and respect – they allow the reader to make up their own mind, without you having to say anything more than, “I saw this and thought of you.” Particularly when you can’t invite them to a meeting!

This includes children, who are unsettled, missing their friends, and in some cases grieving the loss of loves ones. Don’t miss the opportunity to reach out to them – who knows what tomorrow will bring?

We believe every child should have access to excellent, relevant, fun Christian books. We want to give you every opportunity to reach out with hope, life, light, faith, forgiveness and grace to all the children on your heart.

With the recent Black Lives Matter campaign in mind, do you know a black child and want to say in a tangible way that their life matters? We have several books with BAME characters. I gave London’s Gone to a black lad from church and his face was beaming as he told me about it the following week. It’s the first time he’s read a Christian book with a character he could identify with. I don’t think any of us realise quite how important this is.

Some of our books are out of print, but we still have copies of most of these:

Dernier Publishing books


And Nobody’s Dog!

Our Big News and a Big Competition!

Nobody’s Dog (by the fabulous Eleanor Watkins, illustrated by Josh Williams) is now available for pre-order, which is wonderful news!

Pre-order this fabulous book about a boy, a dog, friendship, prayer and trust (Release date: September 2020) and we will put your name in a draw to WIN a FABULOUS SELECTION BOX OF 14 BOOKS!*

Every book pre-ordered from our website will give you one ticket in the draw to win, so if you order 10 books, you will have 10 chances to win. Pre-order here!

One lucky winner will win the selection box, but we will also send a runner-up prize of one FREE BOOK to the FIRST 300 people who pre-order through our website*, so don’t delay, the rush has begun. 🙂

You do not have to add anything at checkout to get your free book – it won’t appear on your order, but will be added automatically at our end, and posted with your copy/copies of Nobody’s Dog. More details here.

*UK addresses only, sorry. One free book per household – except for the lucky winner of the Selection Box!

Here’s an interesting snippet of information: Nobody’s Dog was first published by Scripture Union in 1994, but their range of Christian fiction for children gradually dwindled, as churches gave up giving out Sunday School ‘prizes’. Life has changed somewhat since 1994, so we’ve updated the text and the illustrations, but here’s a thought: Did you, or your children, look forward to receiving your Sunday School ‘prizes’? I’d love to hear from you if you did. My children received some lovely books!

Even if your Sunday School doesn’t usually give away end of year books, could your church still send the children who would have come to holiday clubs a book each? Books can be a link in a chain, keep the children connected to the church, and to God.

Who knows what a book might do? Please do pass on this idea to your church minister – they are probably so busy trying to sort out the next round of government guidelines that they may not have thought of it (I never thought I’d be saying that in a newsletter – what strange times we live in).

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I Want to Be an Airline Pilot Competitions

Competition entries are slower than we hoped (perhaps children have had too much school work to do at home!), but there is still nearly a month to get your entries in! If your children (or children you know) enjoy drawing, or would like to write a poem, a story, a review or a prayer, please do encourage them to take part. It’s a brilliant way for kids to engage with biblical issues in a way relevant to them. All you need to do is

  1. Read the book
  2. Draw or write your entry
  3. Email us the story/review/poem/prayer, or a photo of the picture they have drawn.

Perhaps this is something you could get your Sunday School/Kids Club children involved in? Books are just £2.99 from our website, or 99p on kindle, which you can also read on a phone… Deadline is 31st August.

I Want to Be an Airline Pilot

Right, I must go! Hope you are all keeping well. If you’d like to know more about anything, please don’t hesitate to contact me. It’s always lovely to hear from you.

May you have a blessed August.


CEO, Dernier Publishing

August News
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