
The exam season is on us once again… let’s pray for all our children and young people doing tests and exams. It can be such a stressful time. But the Lord can give strength!

Below is a prayer you can pray with your children to pray when exams loom – why not print it out for them?

If you have a child on your heart you’d like prayer for, please add their name, or a nickname, in the comments below. Isn’t it the most amazing thing that we can all pray for each other? 🙂 We are all family. x

Janet (Janet Wilson, founder of Dernier Publishing)

Children of the world

Dear Father God,

Thank you that you came to give me life, and life in all its fullness. May your name be honoured in my life.

When I get anxious, help me to remember you hold all things in your hand, even the sparrows. When my heart beats fast, help me to remember that I matter to you. When I feel alone, help me to remember you have promised to be with me, always. When I feel crushed inside, please help me to look up to you, not at my worries. When fear grips, please help me to take one step at a time, knowing your Holy Spirit is right there beside me.

Help me to trust you because you care for me. Help me to remember your constant, never-ending love. Help me to remember that whatever the outcome of my exams, you have a plan for my life, and your presence will guide me. Help me to see that my value is not dependent on my exam results, but on my worth to you.

You came to give me abundant life! Please help me to experience that today, in all I do. You came to give peace, so I choose to rest in you. You came to bring joy! May I know your joy in my heart today, because I am your child, and nothing compares with that. Thank you for giving me the gift of faith. Thank you for being my friend, my Saviour, my hope and my light.

There is no other God like you. May your name by honoured in my life.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

J. Wilson 2019

Prayer for Exams and Tests
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