Dear Friends,
The days are drawing in, winter has arrived, and we need to start thinking about Christmas!
Christmas is a time of light, love and laughter… well, that’s the plan anyway. 🙂
Jesus’ miraculous arrival on earth is certainly something to celebrate. He came to show us the way to the Father, and ultimately to die for us. Emmanuel, God with Us. Awesome.
Even though we sometimes get caught up in the busyness and the commercialism of Christmas, at heart we love the Lord above all that, don’t we? And we long for our loved ones to do the same.
This year, why not buy as many books as you can, to encourage all the young people you love to walk with God? In amongst the shiny wrappers, let’s give gold.
I’ve made a list of our books, and who you might buy them for. We can’t change hearts, but we certainly can share good news! Our young people are desperate for life, light, hope and truth. Don’t let them miss out.
The Dove Stone
This book is for 8-11s who love adventure stories with an element of danger, plus those who feel disadvantaged and alone. The story is set in post-Roman Britain, on the banks of the River Ribble. Rhiannon wants to help Doran and his brother, Nico, who are being bullied, but what can she and her faithful dog, Wolf, do to help?

The Only Way
For 10-14s. This book is for children who know nothing about sheltered lives – it is gritty and brutal in places. The protagonist has troubles at home and at school. He is bullied and retaliates. He is taken into care, escapes and lives off the land for a while, before going back to find the only friend who really understood him: Lily. But Lily is ill, so he has to overcome his own safety to try to save her. But can he? And what does she know about true life, that he doesn’t?

Oliver’s Secret
A gentle mystery story of faith and friendship, for little ones 6-8-ish. Large, easy to read font, and black and white illustrations. Clare has a Chinese mum and English dad. They have been living in China, but have now come over to England to live. Clare is lonely and misses her friends. She prays for a cat, and one comes through the cat flap. But where does he come from? What is his secret? A fun bedtime story with lots to talk about!

Nobody’s Dog
Another story by Eleanor Watkins for younger readers, with an introduction to prayer and faith. Luke lives opposite the park, and often sees a stray dog on its own, looking hungry. He wants to help, but what can he do? He and his Polish neighbour, Mr Bronzovi, try to get the dog to trust them, but not everything goes to plan. Why does God allow horrid things to happen? Luke learns to trust God, as the dog learns to trust him.

Rebecca and Jade: Choices
For teens who love real-life style stories. Rebecca and Jade come from very different backgrounds, but become best friends when Jade starts at Rebecca’s school. Polar opposites, they face various trials and support each other through them all. When one of them gets pregnant, choices need to be made and they don’t agree on the way forward… A brilliant read about choices and consequences, from a pro-life stance.

Year 0033
A gripping dystopian story for young adults, set in the not too distant future, when the world is controlled by a World Council. Religion is banned. Chella belongs to the underground church, but circumstances force her and her fiancé to flee. A nail-biting read with many breathtaking twists and turns. Brilliant for young adults who care about injustice and persecution. With themes of persecution, hope, honesty, and the faithfulness of God. Will get readers on the fringes of church thinking about the relevance of the Christian faith, and inspire those who already know and love the Lord.

The City Kid
John Ouma wants to live life to the full. He wants independence, girls, fast cars and all the fun the world has to offer. But as he gets involved in corruption, his life begins to spiral out of control and he loses everything. Then, through a chance meeting with an old friend, he finds the path to life. A gritty, prodigal style story of loss and redemption. Not for readers under 13.

Living in Hope
For 8-11s. Shema and his friends live in Rwanda, in the village of Hope, for child-led families. Frida is tricked into becoming a domestic servant in the capital city, and Sam is accused of stealing… what can be done? An exciting, heart-warming adventure story with a happy ending! Great fun for family reading, with lots to discuss from a biblical point of view.

Under the Tamarind Tree
The fun sequel to Living in Hope. A new medical centre is being set up! Two new families move in to run the clinic – one from England and the other from a neighbouring city. Neither Timo nor Joshua want to be there, but when their doctor dads begin to help the local children, they want to help, too, and quickly make new friends. Great for learning about diversity and inclusion.

Deepest Darkness
For 8-11s. Abi’s life has to be planned carefully to avoid getting into panicky situations. Night terrors grip her, and anxiety rules her life. A holiday to Canada brings a new friend and the beginnings of learning to live again, as she discovers through a series of adventures that true light shines even in the deepest darkness.

Beech Bank Girls series
For 10-14s who love their friends! Six girls from a church youth club have lots of fun together… It’s not all plain sailing, though! The girls learn about life and God together as they go through the trials of life. Step-families, losing a pet, temptations, depression, a grandad with dementia, body image, online safety – read about all these and more from the perspective of this group of best friends.

A New Me
For 9-12s who enjoy reading about real life issues. Jess lives on a rough estate, and has a rough life until she moves to live with her aunt in the country. Friends at her new school and church youth group give her food for thought – and she starts a new life with Jesus. She still has many challenges to face, but goes into the future with new hope. And she and her friends foil a cockfighting gang!

A Pennyworth of Peppermints
This is an exciting spy mystery story, set in World War I, and is brilliant for 8-11s who love history. Ben, Vera and Stan find a message in a bottle on the beach. Is it just a poem, or is it a coded message? They set out to discover the truth, and find a spy! Through all their adventures, they learn about faith and forgiveness. Loads of brilliant background to what life was like for families living through the Great War. Ties in with national curriculum. The over 80s love this book, too!

London’s Gone
For 10-14s. London has been bombed by terrorists. Maria, Emily and Arthur (who is a Christian) have to make their way to safety. But is anywhere safe now? The whole of life as they knew it has gone. Phones don’t work. Shops have been looted and abandoned. Anarchy reigns. This is a gripping drama set in south east England, perfect for readers who have fled terror and any young person concerned for the future.

Revenge of the Flying Carpet
For 10-14s. Paul’s mean twin sister, Trinity, makes his life a misery. When he finds a magic carpet in his gran’s dusty loft he plans revenge, but gets a lot more than he bargained for. Time travel, adventure, imprisonment, false friends, a gripping plot – this book has them all. Then comes something totally unexpected… Helpful to teens exploring the Christian faith as well as those seeking to live for Christ.

You can buy all these books direct from this website, with quantity discounts, in case you want to bless families who come to your church. 🙂
May you be blessed this Christmas, and may your gifts also be a blessing!
Love to all in Christ,

Janet Wilson
Founder, Dernier Publishing