Dear Dernier Friends,
Firstly, thank you for your prayers and support – without you we wouldn’t exist!
Real Treasure
I’ve been thinking about the pearl of great price, recently. Could anything be more important than our faith in Christ? To be a child of God, to know his presence with us, forgiveness of sin, mercies new every morning… what could be more wonderful than this?

Definitely worth giving everything else up for!
One day all worldly wealth will pass away, but no matter where we are on the rich/poor scale, if we are in Christ, surely we are the richest people in the world. Nothing else can compare with the treasure we have. 🙂
Sharing Treasure
We need to share this treasure with our children! Stories are a super easy way to do this. Stories help us make sense of the world we live in. They teach us about the world around us – the joys, the thrills, the adventures and the dangers, too! And they’re fun.
Christian books have the added bonus of a spiritual dimension. Children are hungry for it! One mum told me recently, “My son is devouring your books.” This eleven-year-old lad is growing in faith… seeds are being sown in his life for today and for tomorrow.

If you want a super fun and satisfying way to share good news with your children, to encourage and inspire them in their faith:
1. Keep a ready supply of Christian books
2. Read books together
3. Discuss books together
…Cover it all with prayer.
You don’t have to read the book to them. Simply read the same book before or after them… or catch up while they’re at school! Then you’ll be ready to discuss the issues with them over dinner, while driving them places, or at bedtime. Or if you don’t live with them (grandkids, godchildren, church group etc), set up a time to chat via WhatsApp or facetime. Where there’s a will, there’s a way!
Ready to buy a book now? Why not try a kindle or audiobook – download now and start reading (or listening!) this evening.
Don’t put it off – it’s too important.
Here are some ideas for kindle and audiobooks you could download and start enjoying immediately:
I want to be an airline pilot (on kindle) For 8-11s or family reading

The Birthday Shoes (audiobook) For girls 7-10s
Revenge of the Flying Carpet (audiobook) For 10-14s
Year 0033 (kindle) YA fiction
If you don’t need the book tonight (Christmas is coming!), you can order all our paperbacks from our website (inluding all the ones in the image above) or from your favourite bookstore. But don’t delay, or by the time you get round to it, your children might have grown up! 🙂
Treasure Chests
Talking of Christmas (we’re allowed to now it’s November, right, hehe?) are you looking for a gift that can be enjoyed by a family (or church family) again and again, that will be a blessing over and over?
Our fabulous box of books is for you!

You not only get a discount on the price of the books, and free shipping, but the price also includes a smart box, with magnetic closure – it really is a bit like a treasure chest!
We can send to any address for you. It’s the perfect gift for a family who wouldn’t be able to afford it themselves. 🙂 Click here to see the box and all its contents.
Oliver is Out and About!
Oliver’s Secret is a great book for discussing faith and prayer in a way that is relevant for today’s children – and it’s out now!

If you haven’t got hold of a copy yet, you can order it here or from any bookstore. If you’d like a copy signed by the author, I’d be happy to pass your details on to Eleanor – I know she’d be delighted to do that for you. 🙂
Right, I’d better go… lovely to talk to you again. May you be blessed as we move into advent.
P.S. Any queries about the books, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.