Thanks so much for praying for Dernier Publishing, and for your support. We are in a fight and we are grateful not to be fighting alone. We have an enemy who doesn’t want children to be inspired in their faith, to hear the good news of Jesus, to read stories of children just like them who find light in the darkness, who win through struggles by prayer and faith and have fun adventures! But we have to spread the good news to the new generation. If we don’t, who will? Some might not hear if we don’t tell them.

Last week I took part in The Turning, going out on to the streets with Christians from churches all over London, sharing the good news of Jesus. Most people weren’t interested, but some people, it seemed, were just waiting to hear! They were like ripe fruit, waiting to be plucked from the tree. A lady I was asked to follow up came to church with me on Sunday!
There is a hunger for the good news. Not everyone wants to hear, of course. So we need to spread our nets far and wide, to catch as many as possible. Could you help spread out the net? Could you buy books for your school, youth club, church children, uniformed organisation, family and friends? Could you give books away at Light Parties at the end of the month? You never know what seeds might grow from your gift. (If you need lots of books, contact me and we’ll do what we can to help with the cost.)
Prisoners’ Children
500 copies of Under the Tamarind Tree will go to prisoners’ children this Christmas, via Angel Tree (part of Prison Fellowship)! We are so delighted to be helping with this project, thanks to a generous donor. How many children will be touched by the message? Maybe all of them, by the grace of God! Maybe some of the books will be read over and over again. Maybe some of the books will be read by several members of the family. Perhaps parents/carers will read them to their children…
You can read more about the book here, so you can pray with greater clarity (and while there, why not buy a copy for a child you know, to encourage them, too?).
Christian Resources Together
We had a great time at the Christian Resources Together trade event last month! Thank you if you prayed for us. Author Eleanor Watkins helped us celebrate the 10th birthday of the Beech Bank Girls books!
We had some good conversations with Christian booksellers; we are so grateful to them for stocking our books in their shops, helping us reach children all over the UK. Saturday 5th October is Christian Bookshop Day… if you live anywhere near a bookshop, do support them – they do a great job in the community.
And we won an award! It was such a surprise and honour to be presented with the special ‘Accessible and Inclusion Award’ by Julia Hyde, CEO of Torch Trust, and David Shepherd, Resources Manager. It has been a pleasure to work with them. Now all our titles are available through Torch Trust as large print, giant print, Braille and on audio, so children with sight loss can enjoy our books in the way most suited to them. How brilliant is that? 🙂
Each book, wherever it goes, and in whatever format, is like a seed – some might be eaten by birds, some grow among thorns or in shallow soil… but some might grow up to bear 30, 60 or even 100 times what was sown!
Be part of it. Don’t let the ones you love miss out. Hallowe’en is nearly here, celebrating all that is dark. Let’s let our light shine!
Together in His Service,
