Clive Lewis

Author of The City Kid, Clive Lewis, is off to Uganda again soon, with a mission team. Clive’s church made an appeal for books to take to children who so badly need them, and raised the amazing total of £440! The team will be sharing the weight of the books between them for the journey.

Clive says, “Thank you for your prayers. Our party will have three intensive  days with our mission partners in the Gulu area (north Uganda) and  during that time I plan to hand over the books to the diocesan youth  organiser. He will be thrilled, I have no doubt.”

Please pray for Clive, his wife, Florence, and the mission team; for the diocesan youth  organiser, and for the children who will receive the books! (The photo above is of Clive during a previous visit to Uganda.)

If you’re off on a mission trip in the summer, could you take books with you for a school, children’s home, camp or church? Or organise to raise funds for someone else?

Please contact us if we can help with quantity discounts, and even a few freebies!

More Books To Uganda!
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