Dear Friends and Supporters,
Thank you for reading this! And thank you so much for all your prayers for Dernier – please be assured they are making a massive difference. We are finding more and more outlets to get the good news of Jesus through story into young people’s hands . . . which is why we exist!
There’s so much excellent news this month, and so much to do, my head is spinning, so we need your prayers more than ever!
I do hope you will find among all this news, something that will help you reach out to the children on your heart.
Right, where shall I start . . . OK, let’s begin with books to prisoners’ children:
Angel Tree
We are thrilled to be sending books to prisoners’ children again this Christmas via the Angel Tree foundation (an arm of the Prison Fellowship). Approximately *1,000 children* will receive one of our books each! How amazing is that? 🙂
The books are offered through prison chaplains and will be sent to the children of prisoners who have chosen to have their child sent a Christian book on their behalf. This is an amazing opportunity, to get the good news of Jesus into the hands of 8-16 year-old children, many of whom are in a vulnerable situation themselves. Please keep praying!
Here are some of the boxes of books we delivered (I drove through central London for the first time ever – scary or what!).
Book Parties
Here’s another fab way YOU can make a difference!
Would you like to:
- See more Christian books in young people’s hands?
- Earn a bit of extra cash coming up to Christmas?
- Have a get-together with your friends and family?
Yes? We’re all set to trial “Book Parties” and would love you to host one! The run up to Christmas is a great time to invite all your friends over, so you can have fun, earn some commission and know you are doing your bit to share the good news with young people while you’re at it. :-)
Here’s how it will work (hopefully, eek!): You order a starter pack from us, with 15 books, (which you will only pay half price for), free bookmarks and leaflets, downloadable invites and order forms . . . have I missed anything? Don’t think so! Oh, FREE shipping!
Although you have to invest in the starter pack, you will only pay £44.92 (RRP £89.85). You can sell these books at the RRP at your party, of course, so get your money back and double it (if you sell them all), or keep them . . . or offer your guests a discount. You will also earn generous commission on each extra book ordered at your party, so the more books you sell, the more commission!
Just think, you may never know the seeds you may sow. From having fun with your friends!
We will start off with quite a high rate of commission, to get these Book Parties off the ground, so the time to act is now! Please contact me if you’re up for giving it a go!
5* Reviews

Rebecca and Jade: Choices has received three 5* reviews on Amazon! Congratulations to Eleanor Watkins, who has written this fab new book. If you have teenage girls you need a gift for, who have life choices to make of their own, this is the perfect present. Read more here. It’s a bargain at just £5.99!
I’m currently recording some of our books as audio books for Torch Trust (for people with sight loss) – this is a new thing for me and I’m struggling a bit with the technology, but I’m getting there slowly. This is James from Torch Trust, who taught me how to use the recording equipment. Torch Trust have kindly agreed to allow us to use the final files ourselves, so I hope to bring audio books out for you at some point – for when you don’t have time to read to your children yourself, or to buy as gifts. 🙂 Please pray for this project!
Ebooks and Kindle Books
Last month I took all our novels off sale in the Amazon kindle store, so I could standardise the layout and add all the books which have never been available as ebooks.
I also recently met up with Neil Wardrope, Digital Director of CLC. We had a good conversation about working together to get Dernier books as ebooks on the CLC website.

More and more children are using phones . . . but what are they looking at? What if they had Christian books on their phones to read?
We are now nearly ready to launch all our books as kindle and ebooks. Please pray for this project, too! In theory, we will be able to reach children/young people who are unable to get hold of our paperbacks, especially in countries where Christians are persecuted and/or shipping is difficult. They are also fab to have on phones, tablets and laptops, so young people have something excellent to read.
Watch this space!
Revenge of the Flying Carpet
Revenge of the Flying Carpet will be with us soon in paperback format. Yay! Brenda, a teacher, gave us this 5* review:
“Revenge of the Flying Carpet is an action-packed time travel adventure that maintains an element of intrigue and mystery right to the last page. Paul’s wide-ranging encounters and experiences help him to reflect on some of his real-life issues. An original and challenging read. 9-14s will love it. So did I!”
We are using a new typesetting programme and a new printer for this book, so I would value your prayers that all will go smoothly. Thank you so much.
Christian Resources Together
I am off to this trade event next week, at the Hayes retreat centre, Swanwick, meeting up with Christian booksellers and other Christian publishers. It’s a busy couple of days, but always an excellent time, because we truly are all in this together. Do support your local Christian bookshops, especially in the run up to Christmas. They need our help to keep going, and are a lovely bunch of people!
Can that be all? Probably not! But will catch up with you all again soon.
Love to you all,
P.S. Don’t forget to contact me to order your Book Party Pack. :-)