The City Kid in Uganda

Oh dear, I forgot to post July’s newsletter, after sending it to subscribers. Sorry! 🙁 Some of it is still relevant, at least, so do have a read!

Getting Books Out of Boxes

A couple of weeks ago I did a stock-take and was horrified at the number of books we still have in boxes, when they should be out there, in children’s hands! I mean, producing books to encourage and inspire is great, but what’s the point of having them in boxes? It’s like the man who buried his talent. Not good.

straw bales

Even as I write this, I can hear the combine harvester and the tractors at work in the field over the road – the harvest has begun! We didn’t know when the farmer would come . . . in the same way, we don’t know when the final harvest will come.

I see the boxes stacked up every day, but seeing the actual numbers in black and white hit home. So, I had a long think, prayed, got some advice, and have:

  1. Set up a book of the month on our Facebook page. I chose Under the Tamarind Tree for July, as it’s a lovely book to give for end of term prizes, is suitable for boys and girls, and would make lovely summer family reading, too. I have been putting up one chapter of the book every day on our Facebook page, so people get a taste for the story, and those who can’t afford to buy the book can read it to their children.

    Under the Tamarind Tree

  2. Started a competition! Please join in! At the top of our Facebook page I have pinned a post where if you share the post, you have the chance to win a copy of Under the Tamarind Tree. Please, please, do share! The more people comment, like and share Facebook posts, the further they go, exponentially, and will help others know what we do. You can find the post here. And you could win a book!
  3. Set up some Facebook ads. Please pray the ads will reach the people who would be interested, if only they knew. And pray for wisdom as I set up the ads, because it’s not easy to get it right.
  4. Started a Sale on our website. This is the first sale we have ever had. I believe the books are worth every penny of the full price, but if it gets the books out of boxes, I’m willing to try the Sale route. Do take a look. Books start at £2.99/copy – please let all your friends know by sharing the link via email, Facebook and twitter. Thank you! 🙂
  5. I have put up a new page on the Dernier Publishing website, about what we do, in an attempt to gain some interest. You can see it here. Do share.

It seems to me that people are sincerely concerned for their young people, and if only they knew our books existed, and how they have changed lives, they would buy them. As you do! 🙂 We need to spread the word.

And don’t forget, you can also buy our books from Christian bookshops.

Share the Wealth

Someone loves the Beech Bank Girls books! “My 10 year old has read the first 2 of these and loved them so much she wanted to get them for her best (non christian) friend for her birthday. She said they would explain to her really well what being a Christian meant. Love my little evangelist! Will get her the others and stock up for her to give away!”

Beech Bank Girls books

Camps and Clubs

Let’s pray for camps and clubs taking place over the summer. They can be life-changing. I went on a Crusader’s (now Urban Saints) holiday to Cumbria when I was about fourteen, and it was hugely helpful to me in my new-found faith. If you would like books for a club/camp you are involved with, to give away to participants, please let me know. I have a soft-spot for camps, and taking a book home means the message goes home with the attendees, to water the seeds you have sown.

The City Kid

The City Kid goes to Uganda! Author Clive Lewis took as many copies of The City Kid as he could manage when he went out to Uganda to visit family recently. He gave several copies to Dickens Zziwa, from Scripture Union Uganda. These books are hugely appreciated, with their life-changing message.

The City Kid in Uganda

If you, or someone you know, is visiting a church or school abroad, could you give them a handful of books to take with them? The young lad in the story gets himself in such a terrible predicament, he wants to end his life, but finds Christ. It’s a gritty, moving story. One of the young lads we know who read it told us, “This is how life really is.”

We are still working on more efficient ways to get our books to Africa. Please pray for this process.

And that’s all for now! Thanks so much for your support,


P.S. Don’t forget to enter the competition to win a copy of Under the Tamarind Tree! And visit our Sale.

P.P.S. Are you a retailer? Happy to give you extra discount on our sale books. Please contact me for more info.

Ooops. July’s Newsletter
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