Spam, Ham and Babycham!
Those of you who are my friends on facebook may have seen this photo . . . I found these items when clearing out my mum’s kitchen! Anyone remember greasy spam fritters? The jelly in the tinned ham? And when Babycham was the ultimate treat? I hope I haven’t put you off your meal! 🙂 If you are not British, or are too young to remember these things . . . they are a throwback to the 70s, when cheap convenience foods were the order of the day for many families.
Suffice it to say, we are what we eat. (Hurray for 5-a-day!) And this is true with our spiritual lives, too. Few children have the privilege of good biblical food . . . some of what they are taking in is a lot worse than spam fritters, but we can help to reverse the trend with our books with their excellent nutrition value!
Reviews on Website
I need your help! Would you be kind enough to leave a review of any of our books on the Dernier website? www.dernierpublishing.com – click on the book you have read and underneath it there’s a tab that says ‘Reviews’. Click on that and away you go! Thank you so much.
Books into Greek
I have mentioned Michelle before, and how keen she is to get our books printed in Greek. She has a passion to reach the children of Greece and Cyprus, who are starving for good Christian literature.
Unfortunately this is a costly exercise and Michelle is looking for sponsorship for this project. If you are able to help in any way, I know Michelle (and the children of Greece!) would be hugely grateful. This is Michelle’s vision: “ . . .to get all the books translated and printed and then aim to donate at least one box to each Sunday school in Greece and Cyprus where the books can be used as a lending library or a book club.” Here’s a picture of one of Michelle’s foster-daughters reading the translation of I Want to Be an Airline Pilot in Greek.
Please pray!
Books to Africa
If we can print on demand in Kenya, we will be able to help children like these. (With thanks to Dr Loise Gichuhi from Nairobi University and Education Bridge Africa for the photo.)
These are real children who desperately need books. Let’s pray that the Lord will make a way! Way too many children in Kenya have to help on the farm instead of going to school. Families can’t afford school fees, but education is a way out of poverty. This a chicken and egg situation, but if we can help with books, we can at least help some break out of this cycle . . . with books that share the message of hope and love in Jesus. Please pray with me for a miracle. Thank you. x
Christian Resources Together
I spent a couple of days with loads of other people from the Christian book trade at The Hayes Christian Centre, Derbyshire, last month. Author Eleanor Watkins came too and we had lots of fun with other publishers, authors and booksellers. I thought you’d like to see a couple of photos! (With thanks to Dave Lock from Manna Christian Bookshop, Streatham, for the pic of Eleanor and I together.)
Oh, and if you haven’t bought the new Beech Bank Girls book (the one Eleanor is holding), your girls are seriously missing out on a good meal – you know where to get it! 🙂
Allstars Children’s magazine
Finally, we have linked up with Allstars Children’s Magazine to offer some free copies of our Beech Bank Girls books. This is an excellent Christian magazine for children 8-11s. Do take a look at their website.
And that’s all the news for now! Thank you for reading this – I always look forward to newsletter time so I can share all our encouraging news with you. 🙂
P.S. Just a thought – why not take inspiration from Michelle and buy a pack of Dernier books for your own Sunday School or Kids Club? Click here to find these on the Dernier website or visit your local Christian bookshop. Your gift could change lives.