Dear Dernier Friends,

It’s such a joy to write to you with all our news, knowing you are there, praying for us as we work to supply exciting books for you to give to your kids and teens. It’s like a wonderful circle! And there’s no doubt about it, in God’s kingdom, the greatest blessing comes when we all work together.

So, we have not one, not two, but three new books in the pipeline, that you will soon be able to give away to bless to your church, family or neighbourhood kids!

Memory Makers, by Mary Weeks Millard, is about a girl called Zanna, who is studying the Holocaust at school. At the same time, her nan, who was born in Poland during the war to Jewish parents, begins to tell Zanna her family’s story. Zanna learns about faith, about Jews, about Christians, and considers her own part in the story. No cover to show you yet!

The Capstone by P. S. Daunton is the sequel to The Dove Stone. Rhiannon, Doran and Wolf have more adventures in post-Roman Britain. In the first book, the message was a gentle one of prayer to Father God. In this ambitious sequel, the message of the cross is brought in, as the children get mixed up with a group who are ready to make a sacrifice at the summer solstice.

Christian books for kids

These two books are currently at the editing stage. Both are great stories, but very different!

Who Invented Sisters? by award winning author Eleanor Watkins, will be launched very soon! This book is for 6-9s. It is in the same format as Nobody’s Dog, with brilliant black and white illustrations by José Carlos Gutierrez, whom I met up with at a publishers’ and writers’ conference in Mexico last year. It is such a fun story, about Jack, who has four big sisters, and sometimes wishes he didn’t have any!

Who Invented Sisters front cover

Toby and Harry have already read it. Toby said, “I loved this book and it’s really funny!” Harry said, “This book was great, and I loved the grumpy parrot!”

Please pray for all these wonderful books – there is always opposition. Thank you!

Who Invented Sisters?

Top Series!

In Nairobi, Kenya, the Mama-Africa Book Club chose some of our books for the kids to read. Readers voted our Treasure Series as their favourite series, and Suspicious Deliveries as the top book in the series!

Suspicious Deliveries Christian children's book

If you’d like to order these books so your kids can enjoy them, too, you can do so here.

Smash Book Poverty

Please pass on details of our books to your church, to give away at Easter, children’s birthdays, holiday clubs, youth clubs/after school clubs, book clubs.

More and more, studies are showing that our kids need to get away from their phones and screens, and books are a brilliant way to do that. The scary fact is, that many children do not have access to books they would actually like to read, and fewer still have books that point to Jesus.

A gift shows you care, and stories make such a huge impact in our lives. They are great for wellbeing, can increase confidence, empathy and imagination. They help us make sense of the world, and find our place in it.

We have had children read our books, who don’t usually read. This is the Holy Spirit at work. Books can be excellent stories, but a Christian book can touch the spirit and soul in a very special way.

Children reading

Imagine if every child in the world had access to Christian books! If we all do our bit (you in your small corner and I in mine!) there’s no limit to what we can achieve. Especially when watered with prayer!

Don’t Forget the Writing Competition

Sign up here to get all the info you need!

Phew! That’s a lot of news. Thanks for reading. See you here again soon!

Every blessing to you all in Christ,


P.S. Please forward this email on to anyone who might be interested in buying books for their children/church kids. It’s an easy way to help to spread the good news!

February 2025
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