Hello everyone, and welcome to the first Dernier newsletter of the autumn term!

I must admit, going back to school always used to make me anxious, as a child (especially maths class), but the one thing I did love was reading stories. How I would have loved to have read about Lance, Debbie, Joel and Ravi and their exciting detective adventures! You can get the series here.

Christian books for pre-teens

What was your favourite subject? Mine was always anything to do with words, and particularly fiction.

How wonderful to read about characters and their exciting adventures, with all the suspense, fun and satisfying endings that always made you want to know what happened next. Imagination is a wonderful thing!

Now I get to work with books every day – what a treat that is.

So here’s some Dernier news:

Angel Tree

As you know if you’ve been with us for a while, Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree programme gives gifts to prisoners’ children on their behalf, and include a Christian book in the parcel, if the prisoners wish. Most of them do, which is simply wonderful, and this year we are delighted to be part of this fabulous scheme once again.

Please do pray that the Lord will prepare the hearts of the children to receive the books. This year these include The City Kid, The Dove Stone, Revenge of the Flying Carpet, Deepest Darkness, The Birthday Shoes and Under the Tamarind Tree. These books truly have potential to sow seeds and change lives.

Print on Demand

As we’re getting more and more titles on our list, we’re turning more to print on demand, which means printing fewer books at a time. This saves storage space, but it does work out more expensive per copy. With the rising costs in postage/shipping, we’d value your prayers. We want to do the very best we can with the resources we have. Thank you!

If you haven’t bought any books from us for a while, perhaps you might consider doing so? Perhaps for your family, church kids, local school library, after school kids club, or whatever? Let’s spread the blessing!

Media Associates International

I think I’ve mentioned before that I am involved with a charity called Media Associates International – a worldwide network of Christian publishers and writers. The idea is to help train and encourage Christians in parts of the world where it’s difficult, or even dangerous, to publish Christian material.

I’d appreciate your prayers as I speak at various conferences on writing and publishing for children/teens. I will be running a workshop mainly for Serbian students next month, and in November I will be speaking at a conference in Mexico.

If you’d like to know more about this, please don’t hesitate to let me know. I’d love to tell you more about it!

Do You Write?

I also run an online membership group for writers – if that’s you, or it’s something you’re interested in, check out this link. If you join the group in September, you get the first month free. 🙂

Time to Order some Books?

And on to books. It’s too early to start talking to you about Christmas (yes, I know some of the shops are getting things in!), but if you have family birthdays coming up, or a church event, why not get some books now? Simply hop on over to the home page and make your choice.

Christian books for kids

Don’t forget, you don’t have to order books here – you can order Dernier books from any Christian bookshop. They need our support, too!

I think that’s all the news for now.

May the Lord bless you and keep you, and thank you so much for your support.

It’s wonderful to be partnering with you, to get the good news into young people’s hands.


Janet Wilson
September News
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