Dear Dernier Friends,

I had a lovely holiday in Dorset earlier this month – the weather was a bit iffy at times, but I got to see where A Pennyworth of Peppermints is set!

Summer holidays, for me, as a child, was all about reading. I loved spending time in far-away places, on thrilling adventures with the characters in the stories – how I wish we had Dernier books back then!

When my kids were younger (they’re all adults now – how quickly the time goes, doesn’t it?) I got to enjoy many of the same stories all over again. Great fun!

So what books do you need for the summer? Whether you’re off on holiday soon and need stories to share together, or if you need a stack of inspiring novels for them to read alone, we have you covered.

Book Bundles

We have bundles at GREAT prices!

We have extended our range of Book Bundles for sale on our website – check them out here.

Christian books for kids

Clubs and Camps

Is your church running a club or camp in the holidays? After all your hard work (and it really is exhausting, isn’t it? :-)), how about giving the children/families a book to take home? Here are three excellent reasons why you should do this:

  1. The gift will remind them you care, every time they see it (especially if you sign it)
  2. The good news will be in the home, 24/7, to be read at any time
  3. Not everyone can buy books, including Christian families, so you’re helping alleviate book poverty.

This is what one children’s worker said, “One lady who lives 17 miles away from church, came on Sunday. She came because she had read her son’s book, one of the Treasure Mystery ones. Her son loves coming to Kidz Klub, and she wanted to see why. At the end of the service she stayed behind to talk to the preacher, and after a long chat with him, she was born again!

Check out our Churches tab on the website, then order your books now.

And may the Lord bless your time together!


Would you be kind enough to stop for a minute and pray for us?

By now you’ve probably bought some of our books for the children in your life, and know that they are making a difference. Your children’s attitudes and thoughts will be a little different; they will understand a little more what it is to live and walk as a Christian; they will be encouraged to see that it’s great to walk with the Lord… seeds will have been sown.

Perhaps you’ve even had an opportunity to discuss the book from the questions at the back of the books, and been learning together!

But not every child has this opportunity. We’d love more children to have access to fun books with Christian themes, to bring light in the darkness and lots of joy!

Please would you pray that more Christians would see the importance of giving Christian books to children/teens? That Christian schools would swim against the tide and encourage Christian books? That churches would buy books for their community?

Thank you! Not everyone sees the need, but each book can transform a life, or at the very least, be a vital link in a chain on a faith journey.

Thank you so much for all your support, today and in the past. We wouldn’t exist without you.

Have a wonderful summer,


Yes, that’s me in Portland Castle! 🙂

P.S. If you’re going to Dorset in the holidays, A Pennyworth of Peppermints is definitely the story to take with you for family reading. It’s a spy mystery story set in WW1, so will give you and the kids loads to talk about (especially with the faith element). 🙂

P.P.S. Here’s the link to the Book Bundles.

Need to Get Book Ready for Summer?
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