Books make fabulous Christmas gifts!
I Want to Be an Airline Pilot is now available!
Yaaayyyyy!!! I Want to Be an Airline Pilot is the third of our older books to receive a makeover this year! (the other two are The Birthday Shoes and The Treasure Hunt).
If you’ve been waiting for this inspiring story to come back into print, you need wait no longer! We’re delighted to have it back in circulation, ready to thrill a new generation of readers this Christmas. It’s now bigger, and dyslexia friendly. You’ll love it! It’s always been one of our best sellers, and we expect it to do well.
In this story children from different backgrounds all make friends, which is brilliant to encourage children to embrace differences, now, while they are young. It could prevent so much heartache in the future… click here to order this fab book now.

Mystery in the Snow – Coming Soon!
The exciting sequel to The Treasure Hunt will be available soon – watch this space. 🙂

In case I don’t get in touch with you again before Christmas, may I wish you a blessed Christmas. May all the books you give away bear fruit for eternal life! We will be praying with you, that they do.
Together in Christ,
P.S. Many families are struggling financially this year. There will be children this year who don’t have a Christmas gift. What about buying them a book? It could be the best gift you ever buy.