Security is a basic human need. We all need to know where our next meal is coming from; that we are safe from the enemy – if we don’t have these things, we are not at peace.
In the very depths of our souls we all long to feel safe and settled. We have jobs so we can provide for our family and locks on our doors to keep out intruders. The idea of ‘living peacefully under our own fig tree and vine’ is more than a bit appealing – we long for this at the very heart of our being and do our best to make it a reality.
As Christians we know that our safety and security lie in knowing Christ, our Rock, rather than relying on our circumstances. Some of us will have been saying that for years, and believing it. But right now, the carpet is being swept from under our collective feet – we are all being tested together.
Where does our security really lie? On what are we depending? What gives us peace?

All of us have been touched by Covid-19 in one way or another – and it’s unsettling. We don’t know who will be next to succumb to the virus. None of us knows what our long term future will be.
Our children are also in this with us. They are on lockdown, cut off from their friends, not knowing when they will be able to go back to their school, sports, church and groups. They are watching the scary images on the news. They don’t know who will be the next victim – will it be a loved member of their own family?
Even as I write, the dad of a teenage girl in our church is in the high dependency unit of our local hospital. Our hearts are aching for the family, and for all the thousands of families who are touched by what is for them, more than news on a screen. If this is you, I am so sorry.
We all need to know that our security is in Jesus – to know His peace. That underneath everything are the everlasting arms of the Almighty.
Our children need to know this, too.
All our books aim to build faith through the medium of fun, relevant stories. The characters in the stories have to go through all manner of difficulties, but every story ends with hope (even if it’s not the wanted or expected outcome), because that’s true to life – whatever happens we know the One who holds all things in His hands.
If you have a child on your heart right now:
2. Choose one
3. Have it sent directly to them (just put their address in the ‘shipping’ box).
We will do the rest!
Here’s some good news for you… we have started to receive entries for our summer I Want to Be an Airline Pilot competitions! It’s all good fun, and faith building, and we’re delighted to announce that the wonderful, funny, Paul Kerensa, has agreed to judge the poetry competition, along with his two children. 🙂

You can read more about Paul here on his website.
One mum said to me in an email, “Thank you for setting up these competitions. These books are such a blessing and my daughter’s favourites!!” Her daughter has entered a beautiful poem and a prayer for the children of the world.
Want your children to take part? They can, wherever they are in the world. They will grow in faith as they engage in Shema’s exciting (sometimes scary!) adventures and discover the identity of Mr God, who sorted a new top for Shema when a goat ate his only T-shirt. Click here to go to the Summer Competitions page.

The paperback is £2.99: the kindle version is instantly downloadable all over the world for around £1.99.
Entry to the competitions is completely free and there are lots of prizes!
Finally, if you have a copy of Nobody’s Dog to review, please can you send your reviews to me by Monday, please? Thanks so much! The best will go on the back cover of the book.

Right, let’s keep fighting!
Click here for the competitions.
P.S. Anything you’d like to ask, please feel free!