So, another week of lockdown… what a strange and concerning time, when it seems that all the world is waiting, unsettled, to see what will happen over the next few days and weeks.
I do hope you and yours are keeping well. My youngest son’s fiancée is a nurse, working with Covid-19 patients. A local care home has residents with the virus…
What a wonderful thing it is to know the Lord who holds all things in his hands. None of this has taken him by surprise. What a comfort that knowledge is, even when our world is being shaken – when life itself is suddenly uncertain.
We won’t be able to celebrate Easter in the usual way this week, but the truth about Jesus’ death and resurrection has not changed, and never will – that’s unshakeable good news to share when everything around us is shaking!

As I mentioned last week, we have reduced the price of all our books by half to make sure they are affordable for as many as possible. If you’re quick, you just have time to order books for the children you love this Easter! If money is not an issue for you, could you buy for a family you know who are struggling to make ends meet? Or buy books for your church children?
Plus, we now have a brand new free resource for 7-12 year old children at home – fun activities and competitions based on one of our best-selling books, I Want to Be an Airline Pilot! You can access it here – all you need to do is register, and start having fun with your kids today. There may be no holiday clubs and egg hunts this Easter, but that doesn’t mean the holidays have to be boring! If you’re a grandparent or children’s worker, you can also join in the fun with your children. Click here for more info and to get started!
If you have any more ideas for competitions and activities, or any prayer requests, let me know. We’re all in this together.
Must dash – I’m the ‘designated shopper’ and we’ve only got one toilet roll left!

Love to you all in Christ,
P.S. The competitions include prizes! 🙂