The Unknown Time
Can you believe it’s harvest time already? This year the farmer who owns the field opposite our home used a new combine harvester – it was enormous, noisy and terrifying; as it thundered past on the other side of the hedgerow, the ground shook!
Every year we wonder when the farmer is going to come. One year it seemed like all the grain was going to be gone by the time the farmer harvested! Flocks of birds were eating the ears of wheat and rain had flattened large areas. Every day we looked out of the window and thought, surely he must come soon! This year the farmer came earlier than expected.
In just the same way, we don’t know when the Lord will come. At times like this it’s good to stop and think – if the Lord came tomorrow, or took me, is there anything I would regret? What about you? Why not stop and make a list of ten things you’d like to accomplish while you are still on this earth, then make a start to get them done? The Lord gave you your talents and gifts and placed you where you are for a reason – make your life count!
Books have arrived at Scripture Union in Uganda!
I learnt a lesson from this – make yourself comfortable because I have a story for you! Many months ago you may remember me telling you that I met Dickens Zziwa, National Director of Scripture Union Uganda, when he was in England on a visit. Dickens expressed a strong interest in our books and subsequently handed me over to Esther, their literature co-ordinator in Kampala. An order was made, then we had to find a way to get the books over there. I followed up several ideas and leads, but came to an impasse – there seemed to be no way of shipping the books without incurring huge costs and possibly extra money at customs. The final blow came when Esther had to tell me that the money they had set aside for the books had needed to be used for an urgent project.
Then . . . two things happened! First, my church took up a thanksgiving offering and gave the money to Dernier. Second, a supporter emailed with an idea – a group from her church were going to Uganda with Needs International – and could take books for us! 🙂 And here are the books now in Kampala! Whoooo hooooooo! and praise the Lord! I have learnt that sometimes we have to be patient and wait for the Lord to make a way where there seems to be no way. Isn’t that just the most exciting story? 🙂 Please pray that these books will be well used and the Lord will use them to touch many young lives!
Sponsorship for Dernier Books into Greek
I Want to Be an Airline Pilot has now been translated into Greek! Michelle, who lives in Greece and has taken up this project, says, “We now need a volunteer proof editor and proofreader, and sponsorship for the printing of the books.” I know, we’re not asking much! Still, after the story about our books in Uganda, we know the Lord can do the impossible if we all work together. Please pray with us – this is as vital as financial and practical help. 🙂 I can’t wait to tell you the next step in the saga!
Girl Culture
I may have mentioned Zoella to you before: she has over 8 million subscribers to her YouTube channel and now has her own range of beauty products: Watch Zoella’s favourite things video. Girls are spending hours watching video clips like these . . . what do you think? Do pray for girls who are at Christian camps and clubs this summer, hearing about a different way to live. And if you have any non-church neighbours, why not consider if there’s any way you could befriend them, even perhaps give/lend them a Beech Bank Girls book? There’s a lot of worldliness in the church too, but the things of this world will pass away, and their appeal ends up being so empty – it’s only with the Lord we can have true, abundant and eternal life – that’s good news to share!
Five Reasons to Visit Your Local Christian Bookshop
I totally understand that buying books online is quick, safe and convenient, but if you do have some free time, consider shopping in your local Christian bookshop. Here are a few benefits:
1. Your purchase will help to keep them open, at a time when all things Christian are being squeezed out of public life – this is certainly true in the UK (Other nations, let us know!).
2. Christian bookshops are more than bookshops – they minister to people who might not know one end of a Bible from another, or who come looking or seeking. Your purchase helps fund this ministry.
3. While you are there you may find some extra goodies you hadn’t thought of! Most sell lovely greetings cards at good prices with Scripture verses, calendars, gifts of all sorts, CDs, DVDs and a whole range of fabulous books (I came back recently from my local bookshop with a couple of birthday cards, and a CD for my husband’s birthday as well as the book I had ordered!).
4. While you may have to spend a bit extra on a book compared to buying from an online bookstore, you can have the satisfaction of knowing you have shopped ethically.
5. You can browse, ask for advice, hold the books and make comparisons. Perhaps you might come home with a more suitable product than the one you were going to buy!
Just a very quick shout about two blogs I keep up: Write for a Reason is for Christians who write fiction for children and young adults. Christian Parenting Challenge is for parents who want a deeper relationship with their children. Feel free to take a look and pass it on!
Speaking Engagements
I’d love to come and talk to your church group about Dernier’s vision to get good Christian books into the hands of children and teens. If you have a midweek meeting, daytime or evening within reasonable travelling distance of London, do let me know!
With many thanks, once again, for your kind support . . . without you we wouldn’t be able to continue,
P.S. It’s with sadness I have to tell you that this is the last time I will be using this photo . . . I took Jake to the vet for the last time three weeks ago. He’s been my constant companion for the last eleven years, and I do miss him. My daughter and I brought him home in 2004 from a rescue centre – he was God’s little gift to myself and my three children at what was a very difficult time, not long after my first husband died. I hope dogs go to heaven. 🙂