We would be truly grateful if you would take a few minutes to pray with us!
Please pray:
1. For the children who are reading our books right now, that the Lord will touch their hearts
2. That our books will reach young people all over the world – the right books to the right readers
3. For our authors, editors, and all involved with the production and distribution of our books
4. Christian parents will read books with their children, so families can be encouraged and built up together
5. Schools will make the books available to their pupils
6. For future projects – kindle books, ebooks, audio books and print-on-demand in other countries
7. For the children who read our books in other languages, and for further opportunities to make our books available in more languages
8. Above all, please pray for much fruit, and the Lord will be glorified.
Thank you so much. Who knows what the Lord might do through your prayers? 🙂
(Please also thank God for all He has done thus far!)
Thank you so much for praying.