We provide children’s/youth workers with excellent, relevant, fun stories that will enhance their own teaching, and continue to share the good news of Jesus, even after the children have gone home!

Children’s workers want their young people to hear and understand the good news of Jesus in a way that is meaningful to them. Is that you?

We produce excellent, relevant, fun stories for you to give to the children/families in your care, so you can continue to share the good news of Jesus, even when you’re not there.

Stories have long been known as the best way to communicate truth. Many older Christians remember fondly the books given to them in Sunday School, many years ago, and how they encouraged them in their faith and shaped their thinking.

Why? Because they allow readers to think through issues of faith for themselves, in their own time, with no pressure.

75% of Christians took their first steps of faith in their early years. These days, children are unlikely to hear the good news at school, or at home.

Book poverty is now a big issue. Many families are unable to afford to buy books, even if they wanted to (and that includes church families).

Churches have a wonderful opportunity to overcome this problem, by supplying books to church kids, local schools and to kids and families with whom they have contact.

Register your church/charity here now, and get a code for 20% off all the books you buy through our website.

Then get ordering!

Don’t delay! Children grow up so fast, and before you know it, the opportunity to shape a child’s life will be missed.

Our young people are hungry for the truth, and a book can bring so much joy, perhaps even for generations!
children reading
  • What Can Churches Do About Book Poverty?
  • According to Literacy Trust research, nearly 6% of children said they don’t possess a book of their own at home.
  • Most churches no longer give Christian books to children in Sunday Schools and children’s groups.
  • It is estimated that only 50% of the children of Christian parents grow up with a personal faith of their own as adults (source: Care for the Family).

Our children are so precious! They are the church of today and the church of tomorrow, and we all need to take responsibility and do what we can while we have the opportunity to do so.

But aren’t books expensive? They cost no more than coffee and cake in a High Street café, but they have eternal value.

Here’s what one children’s worker said:

Just want you to know how amazing your books are!

1.  One girl aged 8 from a very difficult background, came to me on Sunday.  It was her birthday last Thursday.  She was thrilled to bits when she got 3 birthday cards.  One from Grandma, one from Kidz Klub, and one from the lady who sponsored her book! The only thing she asked for her birthday was another book like “I Want To Be an Airline Pilot.” Grandma bought her “The Birthday Shoes.”  Result: one very happy little girl.

2. One lady who lives 17 miles away from church, came on Sunday.  She came because she had read her son’s book, one of the Treasure Mystery ones.  Her son loves coming to Kidz Klub, and she wanted to see why. At the end of the service she stayed behind to talk to the preacher, and after a long chat with him, she was born again!  Wow, wow, and wow again!!”

  • Gill (Lincolnshire)

Treat your kids to exciting adventures with new friends just like them, and watch their faith grow…

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