Janet, our founder, has a vision:

“Children – such a precious gift from God! I love to watch my grandchildren climb trees, dig for worms, pretend to be dinosaurs, stare with fascination at a horse skull in a museum, dabble a stick in the river, dig in the sand at the beach and collect “treasures” in the woods – a stick, a fir cone, an interesting stone.

Sadly, not all children in our beautiful world are able to enjoy their childhood.

Some are desperate for food, shelter and clean water. Some need medical attention, and/or have no access to education. Some are victims of tragic natural disasters. Some are victims of cruelty. Some become perpetrators of violence and hatred. I don’t need to spell it out. You know.

But all children need to hear the good news of Jesus, whether they are privileged, desperate, or somewhere in between.

We can’t be complacent.

There’s a battle on.

Did you know that 75% of Christians made the decision to follow Jesus in their youth? You may already have heard that figure, and you may be part of it – I was! I was invited to go to church when I was 13, and have never looked back.

There are so many children in the world, all needing to hear the good news, growing up fast! The harvest is ripe and ready – we need to act NOW!

Dernier books are all fun stories, but every one is more than a good read; each holds a message in the story. Deepest Darkness is about a girl who finds freedom from her fears, while on holiday in Canada. I Want to Be an Airline Pilot is about a boy from a child-led family who discovers through a series of adventures that he has a father in heaven who cares for him. The Beech Bank Girls series of stories look at issues girls face from a Christian perspective…

Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.” Giving young people Christian book is like taking them to Jesus.

Imagine a world where every child had the opportunity to hear the good news that Jesus loves them!

One day we will have to give an account of everything we have done. It’s time to act.

Here’s what you can do to make sure the children in your life don’t miss out:

1. Keep in touch (fill in the form that pops up!)

2. Buy books for the children in your life.

3. Pray. We will pray with you – we pray for all the children who will read our books!

Be the one who feeds the lambs. Don’t leave it to someone else. No one else might come.

Thanks for reading,


Janet Wilson
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.”
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