Welcome to all the latest Dernier Publishing news!
Wow, what a time we are living in. The news has just come in that from Monday, only six people will be able to meet together (that’s in England). And we just don’t know what will happen next…
But no matter what happens, one thing remains – our God remains constant. His presence will always be with us. What a wonderful truth to rest in when all else around us is chaos.
That’s good news to share, which brings me nicely on to Nobody’s Dog, a story all about faith and trust – and a stray dog! We have just received the printed copies (after a bit of a delay) and they are FABULOUS! The books are illustrated, dyslexia-friendly, and perfect for family bedtime reading.
If you are quick you can still pre-order this book and get a chance to win a selection box of books… PLUS a free book, which is a bit of a crazy offer, but the offer ends on Sunday, so better do it now! This is an excellent story for building faith and trust in God. Children so badly need to hear this message right now. Don’t let your kids miss out.
Click here to get your copies and your chance to win the prize, too, worth – I don’t know, about £80 I think. So order now for Christmas, (hehe, sorry to mention that word in September), or for your Sunday School group, because every book you order gives you a ticket for the draw.
You can also order the book from your local Christian bookshop – they may well have other offers on, too, plus cards and gifts and Bibles and so much more – definitely worth a visit.
Dernier Book Club
We are setting up a Dernier Book Club! For a £5/month subscription you can have a book sent to you automatically every month, to build up your collection or to give away… or you can do both if you have a double subscription!
I’ll let you know when we’re live and ready to go. 🙂 The lovely Joy McIlroy, who helped out when she was on furlough, will be back with us to run the programme, so you will be in safe, friendly hands!
More Books
We have more new books in the pipeline. Please do pray for these. Year 0033, for YA girls, and The Dove Stone for 8-11s. Plus we’re working on a way to get The City Kid back out again on print-on-demand. We have a new cover for it… but we’re not there yet…
Thank You
I just want to say thank you so much for your support for us all at Dernier, as we keep moving forward by the grace of God and as a result of your prayers.
There just aren’t enough good Christian novels about! Stories are vital tools to help children meet with God, learn about Him and to navigate the tough moments in life – you can be a channel of blessing with your gift. We are here to enable you to do just that.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus be with you,

P.S. This is the link to get hold of your copies of Nobody’s Dog and enter the free draw. Don’t miss out!