Sarah and her son George sent in this lovely review of Deepest Darkness:
“We both give the book 5 stars. I liked the simple way God was introduced and discussed. In our family, three of us want to go to church and talk about God often. George and my husband are unsure so he found he could relate to Abi’s uncertainty. I also liked the short chapters – we read about 5 an evening.
George is obsessed with animals so he loved all the references to bears and cougars etc. He liked the idea of it and the thought of spending every day on a beach. He also liked the way each chapter left you wanting to read on to find out what happened to Abi’s dad.
We read it together. George isn’t a particularly confident reader so I read to him. I thought the content was perfect especially for George who doesn’t like to be told what to believe and is very sure that he is still undecided about God. It was a brilliant way to open up the topic in conversation and for him to just be able to ponder on it and see how he felt.
We looked at the discussion questions [on the website], but we found we created our own discussions along the way which were similar to the questions.
We very much enjoyed spending this time together. With two younger siblings, we don’t have many opportunities to spend time just the two of us. His brother and sister would play in their rooms whilst George and I read – something we never get to do. It was just lovely to spend one on one time together as well as to be able to talk about issues that often upset him.” – Sarah H

Thank you Sarah and George for this lovely review.
Buy this book for a child on your heart. Don’t let your children miss out. Sow seeds while you can – who knows what fruit might grow?