Reviews like this brighten our day! This message is from a girl called Mary, who kindly took the time to write to us:
I wrote a book review for my school work, and I was wondering if you would like to use it:
“I really like Beech Bank Girls. It is about six teenage friends, Annie, Willow, Rachel, Holly, Amber, and Chloe.
In this book, there is a miracle with Chloe’s brother. He has been
unwell with depression, he reads Christian books, becomes a Christian,
and is much better.
Another thing that happens is that Amber’s dog
dies, and her parents try to make her happier by getting another dog.
They wanted her to name it. It makes Amber sadder, but after a cat
fights the dog (who she names Hamlet in the end) she becomes friends
with him.
Holly has a date with a boy, he kisses her, and she does not like it, so she cancels the date.
Annie joins the group of friends. Also, Willow gets to know God better.
It is a really interesting book. I think you should read it, and I think that you will enjoy it too!”