candle in the darkness

A bit more of a personal post today. Janet here, founder of Dernier Publishing – thanks for being here!

I helped at our church Glow Party yesterday evening. We gave a Christian children’s book to each of the children who came (about 35, I think). Most were children from the local community, who came dressed up as witches, ghouls and the like. It was good to share the light with them in games, music and stories! Please pray for good seeds to be sown, in their lives, and also in the lives of their parents. Thank you!

Another encouragement as I was giving out the books: one of our own church girls said she’d really enjoyed reading the Beech Bank Girls and The Only Way. Always rejoice when I hear something like that! You just never know how much a Christian book can touch lives. Why not buy a book today and be a blessing to someone?

candle in the darkness

Today is All Saints Day, and we thank God for all the people who have gone before us, brought us the Word of God in our language, preached and taught the truth, and in some cases given up their earthly lives so we can hear and believe. Now we must do the same for the next generation. 🙂

Janet WilsonBe blessed, and be a blessing!


Light of the World
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